Panic attacks are the worst! Can I get an Amen?

What do you do when anxiety and stress barge into your life as uninvited guests? Do you tip-toe around the edge of a panic attack or plunge deep in?

I’m usually a tip-toer, but there have been times when I was in the deep end of panic.

If you’re ready to be rid of your angst, maybe my video How God Used a Panic Attack for My Good can help you. I share about how God used a panic attack of all things to do a great work in my life.

I’m still not a fan of freaking out, but I’m thankful that God used mine to help me see a serious area of pride I had in my life. My panic attack changed my life—for the better.

Years later, I still look back on the lessons I learned about myself and about God to bring me true peace whenever panic comes calling.

After you watch the video, watch some more of my videos, subscribe to them, and then come back here for more articles, like this one: When God Isn’t Meeting Your Desperate Need