Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.
– C.H. Spurgeon
We’ll never truly know and love the God of the Word apart from the Word of God.
3 Steps to Knowing God Through His Names
This article (or should I say a version of this article) first appeared on Revive Our Hearts. If you're a writer, you've likely edited your published articles before, too. The heart of the content (and most of the actual content) is unchanged, but I had a strong...
Genesis 6:1-4 (Pt. 3) How God Transforms Us if We Believe in the Truths of Genesis 6:1-4
Genesis 6:1-4 (Pt. 3) How God Transforms Us if We Believe in the Truths of Genesis 6:1-4
5 Important Truths We Learn from the Sons of God, the Daughters of Men, and the Nephilim — VIDEO: Genesis 6:1-4 (Pt. 2)
5 Important Truths We Learn from the Sons of God, the Daughters of Men, and the Nephilim — VIDEO: Genesis 6:1-4 (Pt. 2)
Genesis 6 Video (Part 1) — Who are the Sons of God, the Daughters of Men, and the Nephilim?
Discover three top interpretations for who are the sons of God, the daughters of men, and the Nephilim in Genesis 6
Genesis 5 (Pt. 4): Three Ways God Transforms Us Through Genesis 5
Discover three ways God transforms us if we believe and act on what He’s revealed in Genesis 5. The Bible is for transformation, not just information.
Genesis 5 (Pt. 3) Escape from Judgment: The Collision of God’s Law and Love
We all die. And then comes judgment. But in Genesis 5, Enoch reveals how we can escape both death and judgment. And find rest for our souls.
Genesis 5 (Part 2) How Methuselah Displays God’s Long-Suffering Mercy Toward Us
You may know Methuselah lived longer than any other human (969 years), but do you know why God’s mercy ordained his long life?
How and Why Did People Live So Long Before the Flood
Adam lived for 930 years. Methuselah lived for 969 years. How did people live so long? And why did God give them such long lives?
Death — The Man Who Escaped Death and How You Can, Too (Genesis 5, Pt. 1)
Genesis 5 introduces us to Enoch, a man who escaped death and who gives us a powerful picture of the Christian’s future—escape from death.
12 Truths That Transform Us From Cain and Abel (Genesis 4—Part 2)
Genesis 4 will transform our hearts and minds if we believe and act on what God has revealed through Cain and Abel.
Genesis 4: Cain and Abel—What Went Wrong?
Genesis 4 tells the tragic events of the first two sons on earth and the first murder. What went wrong? And what is God revealing to us through it?
Why Do We Have to Pay for Adam and Eve’s Sin?
Why do we have to pay for Adam and Eve’s sin? We weren’t even born when they ate the fruit. It doesn’t seem fair. Until we look at it closer.
Genesis 3:14-19 The Gospel Promise
In Genesis 3:15, God gave the Gospel Promise for the firt time. You might be surprised to see who received it first and what it means for us.
Genesis 3:8-13 Hide-N-Seek (The Terrifying Sound of My Sin Being Discovered)
Adam & Eve hid. God came down to seek. But this was no game. Sin makes us do stupid things. But the LORD God does great things. Even through evil. Discover vital Truths God revealed when Adam and Eve did a stupid thing.
Genesis 3—The Fall of Man
Genesis 3 reveals the Fall of man into sin. This video discusses how sin entered the world and the Truths God reveals through this horrific event.
Who Was the Serpent and Where Did Satan Come From?
If you’ve ever wondered about the talking serpent in Genesis 3 or where in the universe Satan came from, l answer these questions in this video and post.
Genesis 2: Discover the God Who Doesn’t Need You But Wants You
Discover the powerful Truths God reveals about Himself in Genesis 2, including one of His most amazing names, Yahweh Elohim—the LORD God who has no needs but wants us.
Genesis 1: Transforming Truths of God
In Genesis 1, God reveals transformational Truths about Himself that Israel (and we) need to know as He laid the foundations of the earth in Creation.
Help! I Want to Study Genesis (YouTube Playlist)
Click on over to my YouTube Channel to see the full Playlist for the Bible Study on Genesis. I’ll add more content each week.
All Things Genesis
Enjoy this collection of resources to help us understand and fall in love with Genesis, a most important book of the Bible.
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Download your free Bible study worksheets package now from the 3-step “It’s All About Him!” Bible study method by Jean Wilund.