Genesis 3 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It’s the reason we even have a Bible.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the main point of God’s inspired Word.
Without chapter 3 of Genesis, there’s no gospel because there’s no need. Sin created the need.
Actually, we’d probably still have a Bible. The fall of man would just appear in a later chapter because somewhere along the line, someone was going to rebel against God (just like Satan).
Even if Adam and Eve had managed to walk in perfect obedience to the Lord all the days of their insanely long lives, their children certainly would have rebelled.
The Truth of the matter is that God ordained the fall of man. (Why? That’s coming up in a future video and post, but He ordained it for a great reason, which can be summed up with: His glory.)
Sin only entered the world by God’s sovereign decree, and He decreed it would enter through Adam and Eve.
Yet, God didn’t entice them to sin. (Satan did), and He didn’t cause them to sin. (They made their own choice.)
Because God is the sovereign ruler over all, we know it was by His perfect design that He not only allowed sin to enter our world and hearts but that before He even created us, He created the plan to save us from our sin.
Before He created the world, He created the gospel. (Ephesians 1:4; 2 Timothy 1:9; I Peter 1:20)
Genesis 3 In 3 (or More) Parts
None of what I’ve just said is even in this video (except that God doesn’t cause us to sin).
I could talk about Genesis 3 forever. Which is why I’ve divided this chapter into more than one part.
I filmed Genesis 3 on three separate occasions and spent hours editing each session.
The first two attempts were painfully long and didn’t cover all I felt we should see.
So I went in for the third session and came out with a longer-than-I’d-hoped video on just the first seven verses because Genesis 3 is so rich with foundational meaning and Truth.
Genesis 3:1-7 — The Fall of Man
I love the Word of God, and I hope you will grow to love it more through watching these videos.
Put a passion in our hearts, O LORD, to know Your Word. May we truly understand that nothing in this world can satisfy and meet our deepest longings outside of You. And it’s through Your Word that we come to know and love You best. In Your matchless Name, I pray. Amen.
I tried to include the transcript of the video here, but my transcript is stuck in a swirling “loading” eternal do loop on a website. If anyone knows of an inexpensive online transcription service they recommend, I’m open to suggestions. Email me.
Thank you for teaching in a way that leads us to response, Jean. The transformation statement is powerful!
Thank you so much, Jeannie! My mentor Grace taught me many years ago of the importance of reading God’s Word for transformation, not just information. It’s made such a huge difference in my life. I’m glad you found this video helpful!