Punctuation Matters

“Don’t eat, Gigi.” OR “Don’t eat Gigi.” Big difference. Punctuation matters.
Punctuation also matters when it comes to trusting God’s timing.
And likewise . . .
Don’t put a comma, where God has put a period.
Commas pause us and encourage us to wait. And rest.
They mean God’s still working in the situation. Keep walking by faith. God has not given His final answer.
Periods stop and turn us. It’s over. Move along.
They mean God has spoken. We don’t need more information. We need to obey. And rest.
We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
When we’re in a waiting and wondering phase, figuring out God’s timing can feel like navigating a fog-covered road.
You have no idea if you’re almost at your destination or still far from it.
God sees what we can’t — He sees the end from the beginning.
We, however, must walk by faith through the fog of our future. Our
But we don’t walk in blind faith.
God has given us 1,189 chapters of His wisdom and instruction within the pages of the Bible to guide us.
And He’s given Christians His Holy Spirit to help us understand God’s Word and to lead us in all things — including divine punctuation.
How Can We Know if God Has Given Us a Period or a Comma?
One of the surest ways to know if God has given you a period or a comma is to ask yourself if your situation/decision agrees with the Bible.
If not, there’s your period.
If it does, rest in the comma.
Actually, rest in both.
If that seems contradictory, let me explain.
Don’t Put a Comma in Marriage Where God has Placed a Period And Vice Versa
Imagine someone who’s not married meets a fascinating guy. They really like him, but he’s married. Period. Done. Move along. There’s no comma on that path. Only a period.
God may be in the process of bringing them the perfect husband (comma), but it’s not going to be someone else’s (period).
Embrace the period (it’s a good thing) and rest in the comma (it’s a good thing.)
Likewise, don’t assume if you’re single that you’ll never get married. Don’t put a period where God has placed a comma.
God created and blessed the wonderful institute of marriage. A single person has every right to assume they’re living in the comma. Some commas just have longer tails.
BTW, singleness isn’t a curse. It’s as much a blessing as marriage. If God calls you to singleness, He will bless you in it. It’s not a curse. Vice versa, marriage isn’t a curse — in case some of your experiences made you think it is.
If You’ve Trusted in Jesus, Don’t Put a Comma in Salvation Where God has Placed a Period
If you’ve trusted in Jesus Christ for the payment of your sins, your eternal salvation is sealed. Period. It’s done. Or as Jesus said, “It is finished.” God will not remove the period. Rest in it.
Don’t put a comma where God has placed a period.
A comma wrongly says like I’ve trusted in Jesus, and now I must also be baptized or I won’t be saved. Or something like I’ve trusted in Jesus, and now I must do good works or I won’t be saved.
Rest in the period of the assurance of your salvation, and enjoy the comma phase between when you received your salvation to when you’ll see the Lord face-to-face.
If You’ve Never Trusted In Jesus, Embrace the Comma of Grace, But Understand a Period is Coming
If you’ve never trusted in Jesus for your salvation, you’re in a comma. A comma of exceeding grace.
But please understand: a period is coming.
There’s no second chance to trust Christ after we pass from this life. Period.
Take advantage of the comma and trust in Jesus now before the time comes when the period will settle your destiny with an irrevocable and horrific period.
Praise God for the comma He’s given you now and turn to Christ. Embrace the period of salvation before the period of judgment makes you long for the comma again. Got it?
For he [God] says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
~ 2 Corinthians 6:2
Listen, Obey, and Rest: God’s Timing is Perfect
Life happens every day. Profound, I know. But it does. And sometimes what happens jolts us and threatens to send us into a tailspin. But it doesn’t have to. The truth sets us free when we:
Listen to what God has to say in His Word.
Obey Him in whatever He’s shown us to do.
And rest in God’s faithful timing.
(Oh, and don’t eat Gigi. Ever.)
PS — If you’re living in an exclamation point — and your shrieks aren’t from delight — seek help. God has commanded us to care for each other. Reach out to your family, friends, church, and even medical professionals if needed.

Loved this. Embracing the comma for direction, but sealed with a period in salvation. Thank you!
Thanks, Donna. I’m so glad you’re embracing the comma of direction. That can be a tough one. And I’m even gladder you’re sealed with a period in salvation. Amen!
You shared a wonderful message here that we all need to remember! So glad we have both embraced the Period with our Marriage!!!
Haha! Yes, we have wonderfully embraced the period in our marriage and in our salvation. For both, I’m forever grateful. I love you!!