Are you feeling like you can’t catch up? Like you’re failing to do everything God has called you to do and you’re letting Him—and others—down?
The other day a friend asked me, “How do you do it all?” I laughed. “I don’t. The list of what I’m not getting done is way longer than the list of what I’m accomplishing. My life feels like a Whack-a-Mole game.”
What about you? Does your life ever feel like the Whack-a-Mole arcade game?
I love bopping those little plastic moles on the head as they pop out of their holes at increasing speed. It’s a great game. But it’s not a great way to live your life.
I have great hope and encouragement to offer us for when we can’t catch up. More specifically, I have two truths for us to remember and one app for us to use. They’ve helped me, and I’m confident they can help you.
When You Can’t Catch Up—Two Truths, One App.
1. Remember, We Can Rest Because Christ Never Fails
One day I was whining talking with my friend Lori Hatcher about my lack of getting everything done. She spoke truth to me that still comforts me every evening.
Remember, we can rest in peace each night even when we don’t get everything done because Christ accomplished everything He intended for that day.
We may not (I definitely will not) accomplish everything we intend for each day, but Christ does. He never fails. God remains in control of all things, including what we do and don’t accomplish, so rest.
“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep” (Psalm 127:2, ESV).
The Psalmist isn’t telling us to become lazy. He’s telling us to rest in the One who gives us sleep to enjoy. Anxiety doesn’t provide anything good. God does. He provides all we need.
“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these” (Luke 12:27, ESV).
When I’m anxiously toiling, I resemble a wilted lily or a prickly pear, tossed between despair and irritation. For what purpose? “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). God has a purpose for all things including our plans and schedules—even our failed ones. We can, and must, trust Him with all things. Let’s walk by faith in the Faithful One. And at night, let’s sleep in peace.
2. Remember, We’re Still Learning
My mentor, Grace, encouraged me with the following words when I was stuck on a project.
Remember, God may not be letting you complete this project because there’s still something you need to learn.
Her statement immediately changed my perspective. Rather than rushing to finish my work, I slowed down. I prayed more. I asked God to show me what I still need to learn, and then I worked as faithfully as I could, watching to see how my project progressed to the finish line.
My first book, Embracing Joy, is releasing today, September 5, 2023—ten years after I started my writing career. I’m so thankful I wasn’t published sooner. I was eager and hardworking, but not ready. I’m overwhelmed by all I’ve been learning about writing, but even more, about God and His Word. I’m still learning.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5–6).
We can trust God with the results of our imperfect but earnest efforts. Wherever God’s Word goes and whatever we do for His glory will accomplish exactly what He sent it out to do. He is faithful. He will do it (Isaiah 55:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:24).
3. A Shared Note App Saves Time
The “shared” feature in my Notes app isn’t new, but I’d overlooked it for years until I couldn’t find my grocery list.
Use the “shared” or “collaboration” feature in your Notes App to share the workload.
Frustrated with the constant, “Honey, have you seen the grocery list?” I decided to store it in my “Notes” app. That’s when a moment of brilliance struck me. I could share my list with my husband. Now, whenever one of us is near a store, we can grab whatever’s on the list. “Collaborating” on lists is especially helpful on family vacations or with group events. Share it with everyone. Many hands make light work.
My husband and I use a shared Home Projects List to help us plan when and how to tackle projects separately or together. It keeps us from forgetting the projects we don’t see every day—or tend to ignore like cleaning out the garage.
My favorite shared list is my Prayer List with my faithful group of prayer warriors. We’ve been praying for each other for years, but it seemed like half the time I was praying the wrong thing for the wrong person. I’d forget what the text from five days ago said and who sent it.
We’re never going to fully catch up on life. It’s okay. We don’t have to live like we’re whacking moles all day every day—or worse, like we’re the moles being whacked! When we can’t catch up and life feels like a Whack-a-Mole Game, let’s remember these two truths and use this one App.
1. Remember, We can rest in peace each night even when we don’t get everything done because Christ accomplished everything He intended for that day.
2. Remember, God may not be letting you complete your project because there’s still something you need to learn.
3. Use the “shared” or “collaboration” feature in your Notes App to share the workload.
I hope these three solutions will help make your work easier and lead you to enjoy the work God has given you to do. I’ve been writing three books. Did I mention my first book releases today? (See below for more information and chapter samples.)
Right now, I want to hear from you. What helps you tackle the projects that come at you faster than you can whack them into their proper place? Which truths encourage you? What apps help you catch up or conquer tasks faster and/or better?
Share your encouragement and ideas with me, and I’ll share them here.
Do you need more joy? More peace? Do you long to banish anxiety from overpowering your heart? There’s hope to be found in Habakkuk.
Embracing Joy: An 8-Week Transformational Bible Study on Habakkuk helps us find the joy Christ promises us even in our darkest days.