With Jesus’ final breath, He called out in a loud voice for all to hear.
“Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.”
—Luke 23:46
And then he breathed his last.
Oh, how I’ve needed these words today.
I didn’t know when I started writing this series, that I’d write this final post on the day my beloved father-in-law breathed his last breath on earth.
Less than three weeks ago, Bob (Beba to us) was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
On Saturday, Larry and I got the heartbreaking call that he’d passed away.
Father, into Your hands we entrust his spirit.
The day before he died, Larry and I held Beba’s hands and poured out our hearts to him. It was hard to let go of his hand. We felt tears and sorrow, but we also felt peace—God’s peace. We knew the One into whose hands we’d entrusted Beba’s spirit.
The LORD—the LORD is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth, maintaining faithful love to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, rebellion, and sin.
Exodus 34:6–7
Cast Yourself Onto the Father
What burdens do you carry today? What pain or sorrow weighs on your soul?
Entrust them into Your Father’s hands. Cast your whole being onto the Father.
“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent.
“But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29).
Jesus didn’t die for a sparrow. Not for all the sparrows in the world. He died for you. He died for every soul who will believe in Him.
When He fulfilled all God’s will, He opened the way for us to find peace with God through His blood. Through His suffering for us. Then He entrusted His spirit into His Father’s hands.
He called out with a loud voice for all to hear, but His cry was not one of desperation or despair. It was the call of a beloved Son coming home to His Father.
Have you entrusted your spirit to Christ?
Have you trusted Him for your salvation? For your next moment?
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
If you belong to Christ, you have nothing to fear. You have no burden that’s too heavy to carry. No sorrow too deep to endure.
Fling yourself into His care. He’ll never let you go.
Come home. And find rest for your soul.
Even if all hope seems lost today, remember Jesus’ final words on the cross.
“Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.”
Entrust yourself to Christ as He entrusted Himself to the Father. Not only as you breathe your last breath. But with every breath you take.
There’s comfort and safety in His hands.
He is risen! And He’ll never let you go.
Thank you for joining me for this series. If you missed any of the other six posts in this series, The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words, read them here.
Lyric Video: Last Words (Andrew Peterson)

Revive our Hearts Last Words Series:

Last Words: “Father, into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit.”
“Famous last words.” You’ve probably said the phrase, but have you thought about how significant “last words” truly are? One writer compiled a list of “ 64 People and Their Famous Last Words ,” a fascinating read if you have the time to contemplate what a person’s final words say about the life they lived and the death they died.
Romantic era composer Gustav Mahler reportedly died in bed while conducting an orchestra that was present only in his mind. His last word? “Mozart!” Underground railroad pioneer and devout believer Harriet Tubman sang with her family as she died, “Swing low, sweet chariot.” Emily Dickinson waxed poetic, “I must go in, for the fog is rising.” And Apple founder Steve Jobs said simply, “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”
As they died, Keep Reading…
Lyric Video: His Heart Beats—(Andrew Peterson)
Yes! And Amen!
He is Risen!

He is risen Indeed!