by Jean Wilund | Sep 17, 2014 | Bible Study Tools for Adults, Help! I Want to Teach the Bible
Excited, you’re sharing what you learned recently about Joseph in the book of Genesis, but the only response you’re getting is blank stares and a few head tilts. You’ve lost them. It all made sense in your head, but it got lost somewhere...
by Jean Wilund | Sep 10, 2014 | Bible Study Tools for Adults, Blog, Resources for Adults
Have you ever said, “I just can’t seem to get excited about studying the Bible?” Come on. I know you hate to confess it, too, but surely we’ve ALL uttered that feeling at one time or another. In those times, the Word of God has become...
by Jean Wilund | Aug 29, 2014 | Blog
What a journey we’ve been on through The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark! It’s taken awhile, but I hope you can now see God’s work in Noah’s Ark that sails past your childhood Sunday School lessons. Below, I’ve collected each of The Red Threads we’ve seen,...
by Jean Wilund | Aug 22, 2014 | Blog
“I set my bow in the cloud . . . ” ~ Genesis 9:13 in the cloud . . . not in the sky . . . not in the heavens . . . in the cloud. Could this mention of “the cloud” be nothing more than a random detail? If rainbows couldn’t...
by Jean Wilund | Aug 6, 2014 | Bible Study Tools for Adults, Blog
Literal Sense or Nonsense? The Bible is filled with beautiful imagery designed by God to create stunning word pictures. However, if we take it too far and assume that everything is merely symbolic imagery, and nothing is literal, we’ll end up twisting the...