Pickles with a Purpose (An “Are You Kidding Me?” Story)
It started for me when I noticed several jars of pickles sitting on my sister Melissa’s kitchen counter. The label read: “Pickles with a Purpose.” How can you not love that name, right?
After Melissa shared the story of ten-year-old Luke H. and his purposeful pickles, I fired up my laptop and began to write.
Luke had befriended Tim, a man who worked for his mom and happened to be homeless. Tim and his wife lived in their car. This wasn’t’ okay with Luke.
Luke felt God wanted him to buy Tim a house. By selling pickles.
Are you kidding me?
Featured in Clubhouse Magazine
Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse magazine features ordinary kids doing extraordinary things. Can we all agree that Luke more than qualifies?
I introduced Luke and his Pickles with a Purpose to the magazine, and they bit. They wanted to tell his story to the world.
I hope Luke’s story will inspire you to make a difference right where you are—no matter your age.
Start today by sharing Luke’s story with everyone you know.
Somewhere out there is another Luke. The improbable story of Pickles with a Purpose may be the inspiration he or she needs to believe and get started.
But first, enjoy this crazy and inspiring story. Read Luke’s own words and hear his amazing heart:

How Has Luke’s Story Inspired You?
Incredible, isn’t it? Isn’t he! I could call Luke The Boy Who Said Yes to God.
If Luke’s story has inspired you to do something you never dreamed you could, I hope you’ll let us know. Tell us about it in the comments. We want to pray for you.
For me, Luke has encouraged me not to give up on my dream to publish my Red Thread children’s storybook Bible. It feels like it will never happen, but Luke kept working, and I will, too.
And he’s encouraged me that while “all I do is sit at home and write,” maybe my writing will be the avenue God uses to stir someone else to follow in Luke’s footsteps.
Maybe someone will read Luke’s story and step out in faith to follow up on that crazy idea that’s been on the back of their mind for a long time.
We all need help from time to time. And we all can make a difference.
Who will be the next Luke? You? Me?
Share your story!
And buy some pickles! They’re delicious. I know. I’ve already bought some. ?
Buy Pickles with a Purpose
Purchase some pickles and help Tim, as well as others, reach their dreams of putting homelessness behind them.
Or buy some as a gift.
In fact, buy a whole case.
Display them in your store. Open a store, and then display them.
Get creative. You’ll think of something.
Click on this link to get your own pickles:
Pickles with a Purpose.
They’re sold through Glory Haus, Luke’s mom’s store.
Not only do pickles make a great gift, but so does Clubhouse magazine.
A Clubhouse magazine subscription would make an extraordinary Christmas gift for your 8-12-year-old.
Clubhouse’s website is full of fun features, crafts, games, and extras.
Find fun crafts, recipes, and stories for your 3-7-year-old on Clubhouse Jr.