Happy Palm Sunday!
Join me here every day this wonderful Easter week as we follow the footsteps of Jesus to the cross and to His resurrection.
Today I read from Matthew 21:1-11 about Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem for the Passover.
Check out Exodus 11-12 to learn more about Passover.
Jesus is our Passover Lamb, who takes away the sin of the world. (That’s from John 1:29)
Jesus didn’t ride into Jerusalem on a war stallion as a King ready for battle but on the colt of a donkey as the King of Peace.
Through Jesus, we find peace with God when we trust in Jesus and in His finished work on the cross for our salvation from sin.
Through God’s indwelling Spirit, Christians enjoy the peace of God.
Join me each day this week to follow the footsteps of Jesus to the cross.
Good Bible study between8-10 a if need be it can be earlier
I’m hearing others say a simliar time so I may shoot for closer to 8. I’m glad I’m able to send it out on my blog for those who miss it live. Thank you so much for your feedback. 🙂