Hi. I’m Jean Wilund, a former frustrated Bible reader turned geeky Bible lover, passionate about sharing the life-changing truths of God’s Word whether I’m writing, speaking, or teaching.
I’m convinced we’ll never really know and love the God of the Word until we know and love the Word of God. This fact is why I love sharing helpful insights, tips, and resources to make our journey into studying the Bible easier and fun.
God’s Word always does its perfect work. Rather than conquering God’s Word, I want to help us let God’s Word conquer—and transform—us.
Subscribe and join me on this exciting journey into God’s Word.
If you’d like a glimpse into who Jean Wilund is, here are some lesser-known tidbits:
● I wrote my first book in elementary school—a cartoon book I stapled together. It was three pages long, including the cover.
● I’ve lived in Germany and Italy. Also Georgia and South Carolina. I can speak German, but not Italian. I definitely speak Southern.
● I adore my family. And coffee. I love my family more, but it’s kinda close.
● My journey into the writer’s world began when one of my best friends opened a day school. I led chapel and wrote retellings of Bible stories to show the children Jesus throughout the Old Testament. I discovered I was a terrible writer, so I went to a writers conference. My stories got better. (I think.)
● I was around 35 years old when I first read the whole Bible. I’d been a Christian for nearly 25 years. I read every page out of desperation to know God, His ways, and character better. By Deuteronomy, my relationship with God dramatically changed, and my life was never the same.
● Every time I finish the Bible, I start over again. I’ll do this until the day He calls me home.

![Wilund [Family] Larry and Jean Wilund](https://jeanwilund.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Larry-and-Jean-Dec-2019.jpeg)

God has blessed Larry and I with the most wonderful family—a handsome son and three beautiful daughters (One by marriage.)
“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword…” -Hebrews 4:12

Where I worship – Meet My Church

My husband, Larry, and I are proud members of Grace Bible Church in Lexington, SC.
If you live in the area, check out their website and come worship with us.
If you live outside our area, check out Pastor Jason Gillespie’s and Pastor Jake Huff’s sermon series. They’re outstanding expositors of God’s Word, teaching us the truth one verse at a time.
Our mission is “to see the lost saved and the saved matured for the glory of God.”