Need a good Bible Reading Plan? Of course, you do!
I have several for you at the bottom of this article. And I tell you which is my favorite.
If you haven’t started a reading plan yet, it’s not actually required that you start on January 1st.
Any day is the perfect day to start reading the whole Bible.
Nothing less than a whole Bible
Aw Tozer
can make a whole Christian.
Last year, I issued the Whole Bible Reading Challenge inspired by a nightmare I had in which I only had four hours to live.
I’ve since changed the name to the Whole Bible-Whole Christian Reading Challenge. The name is longer, but it’s so true. Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.
I don’t mean that we can’t become a Christian until we’ve read the whole Bible. Not even close.
All it takes for someone to become a Christian is to truly understand the gospel, turn away from their sin, and surrender to and follow Jesus. It’s a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.
The reason Tozer said nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian is because the Bible is the primary vessel God has chosen for how He reveals Himself to us today.
How God Speaks
In the Old Testament days, God revealed Himself and the gospel through His prophets. In the New Testament days, He spoke to us through His Son (Hebrews 1:1-2). These days, God speaks to us every day through His living Word (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12).
Without fail, the people I know who truly reflect Christ consistently are those who know God well. They only know Him well because they faithfully read their Bible—the whole Bible.
Don’t misunderstand. The goal isn’t for us to conquer God’s Word. It’s for God’s Word to conquer us.
The Supernatural Work of the Divine Word of God
The Bible isn’t a magic book that works like an incantation—as if all you have to do is read every word and your problems instantly disappear.
The Bible isn’t magic, but it is supernatural.
God handed down His divine Word to its authors by the Holy Spirit to teach us about Himself and the gospel message of redemption in Christ (2 Timothy 3:16).
Do we need any other reason to read, study, and treasure it?
Best source. Weak commitment.
Unfortunately, most professing Christians read a verse or a chapter from the Bible here and there, now and then—just like I did for years. Best source. Weak commitment.
For years, I “loved” God but never read the whole Bible.
But after I began my journey through every page, the Truths transformed my faith. It transformed me, and taught me how to truly love God.
I came to know God deeper than is possible any other way that God has given us today. My love for Him (and view of Him) is higher than it ever was because it’s now grounded in more Truth than ever, not my ever-fluctuating feelings.
The Holy Spirit does this work in our hearts and minds as we read and study the Bible with hearts resolved on knowing God as He has revealed Himself through His Word.
Will you join me this year in reading the whole Bible? (Comment and let me know which plan you’re using. If you have one I haven’t listed that others will benefit from, I’ll add it to my resource page.)
We’ll never truly know and love the God of the Word apart from the Word of God.
My Favorite Bible Reading Plan
My previous “read through the Bible” plan has always been: Buy a new Bible translation, underline verses, make notes as I read, and cross out the books I’ve read on my books of the Bible bookmark. It’s worked well for nearly 25 years.
But this year, I’m following the plan I discovered last year and still adore. I and at least one friend (Hey, Jeannie!) are using the Five Day Bible Reading Plan (Free downloadable reading schedule). Want to join us?
Why I love the Five-Day Bible Reading Plan
Every good plan I’ve seen leads the reader through both the Old and New Testament every day, but the 5-Day Bible Reading Plan beautifully connects all of the reading chronologically and in only 5 days/week. It’s doable, powerful, and enjoyable.
The plan doesn’t suggest we only read the Bible five days/week. What this does is gives us a chance to catch up if life got in the way and allow us to read elsewhere in the Bible on the other two days—such as on Sundays when we’ll want to read the passages our pastor is planning to preach on.
Other Recommended Bible Reading Plans
If I haven’t sold you on the Five-Day Bible Reading Plan, check out the lists these ministries provide. So many options!
Revive Our Hearts Ministries Recommended Bible Reading Plans
Ligonier Ministries Recommended Bible Reading Plans
Bible Gateway Recommended Bible Reading Plans
The goal isn’t for us to conquer God’s Word. It’s for God’s Word to conquer us.
Join me in the Whole Bible—Whole Christian Reading Challenge!
Are you in?