Keith, Gladys & Joe Grimaud featured in January 2015 "Reach Out Columbia" magazine. An inspiring story of God, Family & Country

Keith, Gladys & Joe Grimaud featured in January 2015 “Reach Out Columbia” magazine. An inspiring story of God, Family & Country


Joe & Gladys Grimaud, owners of Chapin Furniture Store, may be as well-known for their short radio commercials as they are for their excellent furniture.

In their radio spots, Joe & Gladys share snippets from their long and fascinating life together. 

In the story featured in the January 2015 issue of Reach Out, Columbia magazine, you’ll get more than a 60 second glimpse at this unusual couple, and what it is that’s guided them along the unexpected path from a peanut farm to the CEO office of Precision Tune, and finally to owning their own successful furniture store.

They needed something to do in their retirement years!  

I know you’ll enjoy their story.

Click this link to read the full article:

More than “just the furniture” ~
A Visit with Joe & Gladys Grimaud 

Then ride out to Chapin, SC and check out all the wonderful furniture and home accessories in their store and meet Joe, Gladys, and their son Keith in person.

But hurry. They’re having their big closing sale. By the end of March, the doors will close forever — in that location. 

Bigger and better doors will open in the Fall just off the Chapin/I-26 exit. They’ll have twice the sales floor space in a beautiful new building. (You just can’t slow the Grimauds down.)

Check out their website: Chapin Furniture Store.

Reach Out, Columbia magazine is a free magazine with a Christian worldview, given away at various locations around the Columbia area. If you would like to sponsor a distribution site or subscribe, please visit their website: Reach Out, Columbia.


Click to Tweet:  Priorities that make the difference: God, Family & Country 

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