Are Your Sins Too Great?
If you’ve ever thought your sins are too great for Jesus to forgive them, let me introduce you to a man who had no reason to hope he’d find forgiveness much less salvation.
Why no hope?
Because he was hanging on a cross next to Jesus.
Two Criminals. One Truth. Two Fates
Jesus had company on the cross. Two criminals hung on either side of Him. And they both spewed hate and insults onto Jesus along with the mockers.
One of the thieves saw Jesus for who He really is.
When the first thief hurled more abuse onto Jesus, this thief said, “Do you not even fear God?”
Like Jesus, these men were condemned. Unlike Jesus, they were guilty. They deserved their punishment, their condemnation.
This man now knew Jesus didn’t.
As he hung on the cross next to Jesus, he saw the Truth, and it changed his heart. He cried out. “Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!” (Luke 23:42)
Jesus didn’t pray for God to forgive the man as He had prayed earlier for His enemies. Instead, Jesus assured the man his salvation was secure.
He was forever forgiven, fit for heaven by grace through faith.
Jesus spoke words of forgiveness and salvation to the man. “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).
“Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
– Luke 23:43
Salvation came that day, but not to both men.
The thief who believed in Jesus joined Christ in heaven that day. He’d received grace. And salvation.
The other clung to the lie that Jesus is not the Son of God and received his just doom.
What Will Our Story Be?
The two thieves had similar stories, but their ends couldn’t have been more different.
What will our story be?
As long as there’s breath in our lungs, it’s not too late for our story to lead us to Jesus. To heaven.
If you’ve not bowed your heart to Jesus, pray and ask God to open your eyes to the Truth of who He is. And then surrender.
Time on this side of death runs out. Don’t let it run out on you. On the other side of death stands eternity.
If you’ve trusted in Jesus, bow down and worship Him. And then worship Him some more because we deserved condemnation but received amazing grace.
One day we shall be with Jesus in Paradise.