Big Wave Confidence in Reading and Studying the Bible
The Bible can feel a bit like a 40-foot wave when we first approach it. Learn how to develop the same big wave confidence in reading the Bible as big wave surfers develop to take on massive waves.
Why Do We Have to Pay for Adam and Eve’s Sin?
Why do we have to pay for Adam and Eve’s sin? We weren’t even born when they ate the fruit. It doesn’t seem fair. Until we look at it closer.
Before You Speak (And Regret It), T-H-I-N-K Clearly
Before we speak, let’s follow Bev’s example and consider if what we’re about to say is true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, kind, and clear.
Genesis 3:14-19 The Gospel Promise
In Genesis 3:15, God gave the Gospel Promise for the firt time. You might be surprised to see who received it first and what it means for us.
Genesis 3:8-13 Hide-N-Seek (The Terrifying Sound of My Sin Being Discovered)
Adam & Eve hid. God came down to seek. But this was no game. Sin makes us do stupid things. But the LORD God does great things. Even through evil. Discover vital Truths God revealed when Adam and Eve did a stupid thing.
3 Biblical Strategies for Ushering Peace into Conflict
Conflict is inevitable, but peace is possible when we use our head, heart, and hands to usher peace into any circumstance. (Romans 12)
Race Free From Sin—Faithful to the Finish Line
Is sin really a big deal? Hebrews 12:1 tells us it is. Sin drags us down as it multiplies until we either deal with it or it destroys us.
Genesis 3—The Fall of Man
Genesis 3 reveals the Fall of man into sin. This video discusses how sin entered the world and the Truths God reveals through this horrific event.
Revive Our Hearts — Resources to Root You in God’s Word
Revive Our Hearts has put together a tremendous list of resources to help root us in God’s Word. It’s updated weekly so check here often.
Who Was the Serpent and Where Did Satan Come From?
If you’ve ever wondered about the talking serpent in Genesis 3 or where in the universe Satan came from, l answer these questions in this video and post.
Offenses…Pride…and Revival…Whew! How God Frees Us to Forgive
Pride and unforgiveness ruled my heart until God freed me through brokenness and revival. I tell my story with Revive our Hearts (Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh)
Genesis 2: Discover the God Who Doesn’t Need You But Wants You
Discover the powerful Truths God reveals about Himself in Genesis 2, including one of His most amazing names, Yahweh Elohim—the LORD God who has no needs but wants us.
Genesis 1: Transforming Truths of God
In Genesis 1, God reveals transformational Truths about Himself that Israel (and we) need to know as He laid the foundations of the earth in Creation.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32