Black Belts & The Bible Are Not For The Lazy

I'm a proud--and well-protected--mama! In 2011, my son Bobby earned his first degree black belt in Aikido after years of hard work. Black belts are not for the lazy. Likewise, the Bible is not for the lazy. Does that sound harsh? Sorry, but it's true.  I cringed when...

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Calendar of Events ~ Join me . . .

Come Join Me! Whether I'm teaching or speaking to a group, I'd love for you to join me.  Below you'll find some of the events I've got scheduled. Check back often.  Thanks, Riverbend Day School Every Thursday during the school year I teach “The Red Thread of Jesus” to...

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Thirst Was Made For Water . . . Huh?

What a powerful, upside-down thought: Water wasn’t created to quench our thirst. God created thirst in us so we’d drink the water He’d already provided—the water our bodies need in order to survive. Likewise, God didn’t provide us with Truth in order to satisfy our...

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My Bible Verse for 2014

  Each year I ask the Lord to give me a verse for the New Year. Above is my verse for 2014. You see, I’ve been thinking a lot lately that it’s taken me a long time to get where I want to be in the kind of person I want to become. I look in the mirror and I still see...

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Four Ways Christmas Candy Points to Christ

Candy is sweet--and even sweeter when it has meaning. Call it rationalization so I can feel good about savoring Christmas chocolates all season if I want--I'm fine with that. Children are fine with it, too. Why not take this opportunity to teach our children four ways...

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Don’t Try To Stop Me ~ I Gotta Dance!

While it might not be a pretty sight, there are times in life when I just gotta dance! Today is one of those times. MY SON IS ENGAGED TO A WONDERFUL WOMAN! Yes, I'm shouting and dancing! I'm thrilled down to my twirling toes! "He who finds a wife finds a good thing,

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When Life Explodes — Part Three

How do we accept a God who is ok with pain? In When Life Explodes — Part One, I said that even in the hardest times, we can rest in God, who must do all. In When Life Explodes — Part Two, I shared the startling truth that God is ok with pain, but I didn’t tell you...

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When Life Explodes — Part Two

 When life explodes, I rest in Christ, Who must do all. (See When Life Explodes -- Part One.) If I'm resting in Christ and have confident assurance that God is in control, how is it possible that I'm still battling fear? That's what I asked God recently. I found the...

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When Life Explodes – Part One

What do you do when life explodes? That’s a loaded question. Seriously, if you don’t have a plan for what you’ll do, you’ll likely implode. My life is in full-explosion mode right now, and I’m actually so excited I can barely breathe! Or is that panic setting in?...

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When Your Soul is Drowning (by Lori Hatcher)

When Your Soul is Drowning By Lori Hatcher She gave me a gift I didn't know I needed. It was during what St. John of the Cross called the "dark night of the soul." Each new day brought additional information, and none of it was good. The reality was grim, and...

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How Do I Survive My Children Leaving?

The most horrible thought occurred to me recently. Norman Bates (from Hitchcock’s classic film Psycho) earned his reputation as a supremely evil villain, but what about his mother? Suffocating him with her desperate, clingy, warped version of love, it’s no wonder...

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“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

it's All About Him Transformational Bible Study Method by Jean Wilund

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