The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words—“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
In response to Jesus’ cry, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” God’s heart cries out to us, “Because I love you.”

Big Book of History for Kids
What a wonderful, fun resource for kids! Big Book of History by New Leaf Publishing Group available at Ruth's Attic Bookstore: Read this excerpt from Ruth's Attic Bookstore on the Big Book of History: Learning Just Became BIG FUN! Families, schools, and churches can...
“Jesus Walks with Me” Rhyme ~ Jesus Coloring Page
Jesus walks with me! Jesus walks with me! Every day while I laugh and play Jesus walks with me! This rhyme is one of my students' favorites! And it comes with Motions: Walk in place as you recite the first two lines. Join your fingertips together to make a...
Three Ways to Teach Your Kids the Bible
Teaching children the Bible is one of the greatest honors and most important responsibilities we adults have, particularly us parents. It can also be a little scary. What if I teach it wrong? What if I'm the reason they decide not to trust Christ? It's enough to make...
Teaching Kids the Bible
One of the most important actives we can undertake with our children is to teach them the Bible. While they're young and unable to drive away from the house and out from under your continual influence, make Bible study a priority and a joy—not a chore. For tips on...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
What Does the Name Jehovah (Yahweh) Elohim Say About God? What’s in a Name?
What does the Name Jehovah (Yahweh) Elohim Say About God? Discover the powerful truth of the self-existent, eternal One.
What God Begins, He Finishes!
Creation was complete—perfect even. But it was about to unravel. But then again, what was finished was really only beginning, and what God begins, He finishes. Have I confused you? I almost confused myself. Let me start over from the beginning. In Genesis, God created...
Even Before you Called, I Answered
God knows the end from the beginning,[1] and He supplies the need before we even know it exists. Before we were ever created, before we ever had a need, God filled our need. It’s right there in Genesis 1:1-5. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....
The End From the Beginning
How clever is our God?! We don’t even get past the first few words of the first sentence before God gives us a clue to the end of the Bible. Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning…” To recognize the clue, though, we have to jump forward to the first few words of the first...
Prophecies, Types, & Symbols! Oh My!
The Bible overflows with prophecies, types, and symbols, which shed tremendous light into the mysteries of Scripture, but also, at times, leave us scratching our heads. Prophecy, in particular, seems to create bewilderment in a vast majority of us. I will not be...
The Red Thread ~ X-Ray Vision Not Needed! Four Rules for Interpreting the Bible
Superman had x-ray vision to see into the heart of the matter, or more accurately, through a wall. Too cool. We may not have been given x-ray vision to see what I like to call The Red Thread in the Old Testament, but we weren’t left without help. ("The Red Thread" is...
How Is The Bible Like a Magic Eye?
Magic Eye pictures used to frustrate me! I knew there was a picture in there somewhere--I just couldn’t make it appear. As attractive as the initial abstract image might be, I knew I wouldn't be satisfied until I discovered the hidden picture within. Finally, I got...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32