Happy 4th of July! and God Bless America!

God Bless America! Canadian-born Celine Dion proves you don't have to be from America to love our land, our country, or our people -- or to honor it.  Celine sang God Bless America! on September 21, 2001, to honor all those lost in the attacks of 9/11. Do you know who...

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The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part 6) — The Time

  Every great story has a great climax -- even true stories. We've reached our climax in the story of Noah's Ark. The time had come. Drip, drip, drop, WHOOSH! "In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all...

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The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part 5) — The Door

I'm not a ship builder, but I'm pretty certain that Noah's ark wouldn't meet code today. God told Noah to build a ship so long it would cover 1-1/2 football fields, but only one door? [1] I can't see that getting past the ark inspectors today. Think about having to...

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Today’s Bible Study Tip #4 — Remain Flexible

  Because we are creatures of habit who like our creature comforts, I've encouraged us to create an inviting environment for studying our Bible and to commit to studying it at the same time every day. At the risk of sounding contradictory, I would now like to...

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Three Great Lessons from Three Great Fathers

In a time when more fathers are choosing to be absent than at any other time in our history, I want to honor every faithful father out there! Thank you for all you've done and for all you've taught us.   I've been blessed to have three faithful fathers in my life....

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Today’s Bible Study Tip #3 — Creatures of Habit

  Of all the activities abounding in the world, none will do more to give you the life you've dreamed of, if you knew enough to dream of it, than personal one-on-one time of studying the Bible. In-depth, personal Bible study changes you from the inside out as you...

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The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part 4) — The Work

    Because of Noah’s great faith, God could trust him to do something as outlandish as build a monstrous boat far from water over a long period of time under the scrutiny of a world whose every intention of their heart was evil. (See Genesis 6) That had to...

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Today’s Bible Study Tip #2 — Creature Comforts

I wake every morning to the sound of harps. It's much better than the blaring horn my daughter uses to rouse herself from sleep. I like better. After confirming that the harps are coming from my iPhone, and that I have not just woken up in heaven, I stumble through...

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The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part 3) — The Choice

    I once met a man named Popeye.  He wasn't a cartoon character, he was a real man serving time in a minimum security prison. I'd gone with my church to minister to whoever would come to meet with us.  Popeye told me he wanted to trust Christ to save him...

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“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

it's All About Him Transformational Bible Study Method by Jean Wilund

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