The Best Recommended Bible Reading Plans
Reading through the whole Bible is the best daily habit we can develop — along with eating and sleeping. We need all three every day. Why is it so important to read the whole Bible? Because we'll never truly know the God of the Word apart from the Word of God — the...

Do You Need More Joy?
Embracing Joy, an 8-Week Transformational Bible study on Habakkuk, reveals how we can embrace abiding joy even in life’s storms.
Today Is the Best Day to Learn About God’s Providence
Here’s why we must learn the changeless truth about God’s Providence before tragedy strikes.
Just Grace: God’s Amazing Grace in the Life of an Ordinary Woman
No one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace. Grace Hamrick is living proof it’s never too late for God to redeem a broken life.
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words: “Father, Into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit.”
Because Jesus entrusted His spirit to the Father, we can cast ourselves into His hands. There is comfort and safety in His hands.
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words: “It Is Finished.”
“It is finished!” Jesus’ words speak salvation and hope to us today. Because it is finished, Christ’s work in us has begun!
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words: “I Am Thirsty.”
When Jesus said, “I am thirsty” He fulfilled Scripture and revealed that every detail matters because every soul matters.
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words—“My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
In response to Jesus’ cry, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” God’s heart cries out to us, “Because I love you.”
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words—”Here is Your Son. Here is Your Mother.”
Jesus’ last words on the cross reveal He was the perfect Son and Savior. He meets us in our suffering and provides as He provided for Mary.
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words: 11th Hour Salvation—”Today you will be with Me in Paradise”
Do you ever fear it’s too late to be saved? In today’s article on Jesus’ last 7 words, He spoke of salvation even in the 11th hour.
The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words—”Father, Forgive Them”
If you could control when you died, what would your last words be? The first of Jesus last 7 words was a prayer: Father, Forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing.”
Anchor Your Faith in These Paradoxical Truths
God loves paradoxical truths. Anchor your faith in these two seemingly opposing truths: God calls us to rest, but never relax.
How to Know and Love God More
It’s not complicated to know and love God. He grows our love for Him and often does it in these five life-changing ways.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32