The Power of Jesus’ Last 7 Words: “Father, Into Your Hands I Entrust My Spirit.”
Because Jesus entrusted His spirit to the Father, we can cast ourselves into His hands. There is comfort and safety in His hands.

The Cloud ~ The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part Eleven)
"I set my bow in the cloud . . . " ~ Genesis 9:13 in the cloud . . . not in the sky . . . not in the heavens . . . in the cloud. Could this mention of "the cloud" be nothing more than a random detail? If rainbows couldn't be seen anywhere else but in...
The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part Ten) — The Rainbow
Noah and his family stepped out of the ark into a new world. After Noah worshipped God at the altar, God responded. "Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: ‘I now establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every...
In the Middle of the Storm I AM Holding on to You!
Remember! The Great I AM is holding on to you. He is everything you will ever need for every moment. I shared this picture with you in hopes it will inspire you to praise today as you remember the One who is holding on to you. He will never let you go....
Start Your Day with Praise — And A Mouse in a Cup!
Summer's ending (or so says the school system), so I've been spending more time with my daughters this week than my computer. Which means today you get a short post and a praise picture instead of a Bible study. Today, in fact, my oldest daughter returns...
Bible Study Tip #9 — If the Literal Sense Makes Sense Seek No Other Sense
Literal Sense or Nonsense? The Bible is filled with beautiful imagery designed by God to create stunning word pictures. However, if we take it too far and assume that everything is merely symbolic imagery, and nothing is literal, we'll end up twisting the Bible...
The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part Nine) — The Altar
At the end of my last Red Thread post, I told you I had one more post in The Red Thread in Noah's Ark series. Psyche! In writing what I intended to be my last post, I realized The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark is just too rich to wrap up in only one more post. In...
Bible Study Tip #8 — Look for the Ripple Effect When Studying the Bible
When you're studying the Bible, look for what I call The Ripple Effect. In previous posts, I've talked about the fact that the Bible is not written for the purpose of giving us a lovely little collection of historical events or stories about God. [*] Instead, the...
The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part Eight) — The Resurrection
Death is awful. It's worse than awful. It's every bad word you've ever had your mouth washed out for saying! We weren't created to die. We were created to live! The only time death will be joyful is when sin and death die forever. Until then, we must face it...
Today’s Bible Study Tip #7 — Understanding The Big Story of the Bible
I remember where I was when I saw the Big Story of the Bible for the first time. Maybe you're like me and grew up thinking the Bible is just a bunch of different stories involving God combined into one big book. I had no idea it's all one continuous story: The Story...
The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark (Part 7) — The Hiding Place
When the door of the ark slammed shut, life on earth was never the same. ". . . on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened." ~ Genesis 7:11b It wasn't until I was an adult that I began to realize...
Getting Away From It All and Refreshed in the Lord!
There's just something about getting away from it all with my family and being refreshed in the Lord. One of our personal favorite places to do this is in the mountains of North Carolina. I'm back from our refreshing and relaxing vacation in the NC mountains!...
I Interrupt This Program For an Important Announcement
Dear Subscribers, Forgive me for interrupting your Fourth of July with another email. I wanted to let you know that I'm having some challenges with my new email program, which seems to think it's funny to take my posts and change them up, removing the videos and...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32