Just Grace: God’s Amazing Grace in the Life of an Ordinary Woman
No one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace. Grace Hamrick is living proof it’s never too late for God to redeem a broken life.

The Tower of Babel, Pentecost, & The Red Thread (Part 4) ~ Jesus in the Old Testament
When God came down to stop the people from building the Tower of Babel, He wasn't being a fun-sucker. (Genesis 11:1-9) He was protecting them from the danger of exalting their own name. (In my series What Was So Wrong With The Tower of Babel? we looked at those...
Enjoy Articles I’ve Written for Other Publications
I've been blessed to write articles for other wonderful publications. It occurred to me you might be interested in reading some of them. Below is are links to the publications and my articles. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them. ...
What Was So Wrong With The Tower of Babel (Part Three) — & Why Do We Even Care?
If God is sovereign (and He is) then He knew the people of Shinar were going to build a tower to their great name before they laid the first brick. Why didn't He change their languages earlier, before they could gang up in Babel? Why did He even let them begin? Since...
What Was So Wrong With The Tower of Babel — (Part Two) — God’s Response
The people of Shinar broke ground on their pride and joy -- the tower they knew would stand for all time to their greatness. (See my post What Was So Wrong With the Tower of Babel -- Part One for the first part of this story.) It was no doubt a glorious day for these...
What Was So Wrong with the Tower of Babel? — (Part One) — I’m the Man!
“They said to one another, ‘Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.’” ~ Genesis 11:4 The people of...
So You Need to Teach A Bible Study but You Have No Idea How? “Able to Teach” to the Rescue!
Excited, you're sharing what you learned recently about Joseph in the book of Genesis, but the only response you're getting is blank stares and a few head tilts. You've lost them. It all made sense in your head, but it got lost somewhere between your brain and...
Praise Picture ~ Need Encouragement in Hard Times? Look at the Birds of the Air ~ Matthew 6:26
How awesome is this bird? And yet, we're more valuable than he is -- much more valuable according to Matthew 6:26. God cares for this bird, and He cares for us. And because He cares for us, He'll never fail us. I can't promise that it will always feel that way,...
Hate Destroys. Love Builds. — Remembering 9.11
He was the kind of guy that when he smiled at you, you smiled back. Not necessarily because you wanted to, but because you were afraid not to. If he had told me to give him my seat, I would've hopped up faster than I would have if I’d heard Tiffany’s was giving away...
Today’s Bible Study Tip — Ten Fingers for Handling God’s Word To Keep It Active & Alive
Have you ever said, "I just can't seem to get excited about studying the Bible?" Come on. I know you hate to confess it, too, but surely we've ALL uttered that feeling at one time or another. In those times, the Word of God has become "dry as dust, dead in our...
I Can’t Watch! — Confessions of a Fanatic Fan Conformed to Christ Through Football
FOOTBALL IS BACK! This Football is Back video? That I can watch. It gets my football blood pumping! But Clemson football? I confess I love it so much that I can’t watch it. How pathetic is that? I confess that last season I often sat in a movie theater during...
The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark — The Summary
What a journey we've been on through The Red Thread in Noah’s Ark! It's taken awhile, but I hope you can now see God’s work in Noah's Ark that sails past your childhood Sunday School lessons. Below, I’ve collected each of The Red Threads we’ve seen, and I've shown...
Love & Hate — The Confessions of a Fanatic Fan Being Conformed to Christ Through Football
Here are the confessions of a fanatic fan being conformed into the image of Christ through football. (It can happen!) (Actually, I'm only confessing three today. I'm not quite ready to divulge all my confessions yet.) Confession #1 -- I confess I love football....
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32