Today Is the Best Day to Learn About God’s Providence
Here’s why we must learn the changeless truth about God’s Providence before tragedy strikes.

The Day I Made the Worst Decision of My Life (Part One – The Surrender Series)
The day I made the worst decision of my life. Discover how God redeems ever our worst decision. He is faithful.
Praise Picture ~ Surrender is the Only Life That Makes Sense
_________†_________ Click below to join the journey of a life of surrender to God: The Surrender Series
Praise Picture ~ Truly Seeking God
______________________________†______________________________ "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." ~ Jeremiah 29:13 O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully...
Two Different Christian Lives – Which One Did You Choose?
___________________†___________________ Does your story of coming to Christ rival Louis Zamperini’s from the bestselling book and movie Unbroken, or is it more like mine -- it could be bottled as an effective sleeping pill? Regardless of wow-factor, each of...
Friday Fun ~ Because Every Day Needs a Good Laugh! Kid Snippets Do The Trick!
___________________†___________________ Solomon recommended having fun, and he was the wisest man to ever live, so I'm taking his advice and sharing this hilarious video by Kid Snippets that makes me laugh every time. Kid Snippets let the kids write the script....
Joe & Gladys Grimaud — More Than “just the furniture” ~ (Feature Story in Reach Out, Columbia Magazine)
_______________†_______________ Joe & Gladys Grimaud, owners of Chapin Furniture Store, may be as well-known for their short radio commercials as they are for their excellent furniture. In their radio spots, Joe & Gladys share snippets from their long and...
“The Right Size” ~ A Children’s Story for Anyone Who’s Ever Wondered if They Were Enough
My story "The Right Size" got published in Focus on the Family's January 2015 issue of Clubhouse Jr. magazine. I'm just now moving out of the shocked phase and into dance mode. I'm grateful to the staff at Focus on the Family, and especially Senior Associate Editor...
Hallelujah! It’s Christmas! (& A Memorable “Hallelujah Chorus” Food Court Flash Mob)
Few things rival Christmas surprises. One year my dad and brother wove string throughout my sister's and my room. So much string filled our room that we couldn't even rise up in our beds. Finally, we decided it was time for us to do some surprising of our own....
Are You Hungry for God — Starving For Time? Here’s Your Answer
Busy women still need to eat, but sometimes a full-course meal doesn't fit into the schedule. A power bar will, though! Busy women also need to spend daily time at the feet of God in His Word, but sometimes that time doesn' fit into the schedule either. Hungry for...
Praise Picture – A Prayer From Ephesians
My prayer for us today!
Three Things You Need To Pave Over the Pitfalls of Change
If you read my post, Monday Music ~ We Won't Be Shaken, then you know change isn't just coming for Larry and I -- it's here! It's in our face! We might as well enjoy it. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go ahead and read it now.) As Larry and I have been...
Samkon Gado: Doing the “Impossible” ~ Reach Out, Columbia Magazine
"YES! ABSOLUTELY!" Those are the words that flew out of my mouth when Lori Hatcher, the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine, asked me if I wanted to write an article about Samkon Gado. Samkon not only graduated from my two oldest children's alma mater, Ben...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32