Do You Need More Joy?
Embracing Joy, an 8-Week Transformational Bible study on Habakkuk, reveals how we can embrace abiding joy even in life’s storms.

Parachute Lights & The Peace of Christ (They’re better than frown lines and fewer friends)
Forty-five people were coming to dinner, and it looked like we'd have no place to seat them. This wasn't just a regular dinner. As if dinner for 45 people is ever a regular dinner. Our son Bobby and his fiancee Kaitlyn were getting married, and this was their...
God Bless Our Soldiers & Al Rodrigues, Pearl Harbor Survivor
I ran too slow to catch a 95-year-old war hero. To be fair, he had a head start. Al Rodrigues, one of the last remaining survivors of Pearl Harbor, walked out the back gate and out of our reach at the Pearl Harbor Memorial. I just wanted a chance to tell him thanks. ...
Now That’s A Workout! Taking Your Daily Prayer Time On the Road
Today, I'm excited to introduce my friend Beckie Lindsey to you. When Beckie and I met at a writer's conference, we realized almost instantly that, even though we live on opposite coasts, we're kindred spirits. Except this woman likes to jog. No, thank you. I...
When Our Heart Rejects The Truth Our Head Knows — Soaring Above Our Fears and Worries in the Midst of Struggles
How often have we said, "I know God’s got this,” but then worried ourselves through our situation? Every time I do that, I’m proving a universal truth: Sometimes our hearts reject the truth our heads know. The Battle of the Head and Heart High above the trees...
Join the Journey – Let’s Work Through This Maze Called Life Together
Join the Journey! No, seriously. Join it. Eons ago, I traveled Europe alone for a month. It was a marvelous experience, but I came to appreciate any random stranger who wanted to join me on my journey. Except that one guy in Antibes, France who caused me to discover...
Praise Picture: I Believe in Christianity, Not Stubbing Toes (CS Lewis)
___†___ I confess the title may be a bit confusing. CS Lewis never talked about stubbing toes. At least I don't think he did. But he did say, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything...
Freedom Behind Bars: The Charles Livingston Story ~ Free Indeed (Featured in “Reach Out, Columbia” Magazine)
What would you do if you'd been put in prison for 33 years for a crime you didn't commit? Charles Livingston knows. He lived that nightmare. I got the extreme pleasure of meeting Charles and writing his story for Reach Out, Columbia magazine. Since the article came...
Praise Picture ~ Be Still, and Know That I Am God
Life gets crazy but we don’t have to. Be still and know that I Am God. Enjoy a quietness of spirit even in the midst of chaos.
Surrendering to God ~ The Choice is Ours: Perfect Love Or Almond Trail Mix Love (The Surrender Series ~ Part Five)
I love my cat and dog. I love my husband and children more. I’d cry for my pets, but I’d die for my family. And yet, my love for my family isn’t perfect, because I’m not perfect. But, there's One who's not only perfect, but also did die for us. Perfect love. If we...
Still Struggling to Surrender to God? (Part Four ~ The Surrender Series)
__________†__________ Still struggling to surrender to God? It's either God or Batman. I think that's going to need some explanation. As humans, we have a strong desire to conform to whatever or whoever we admire and respect. Hero worship pervades every facet of our...
Surrendering to God: The “Want to Want to” Dilemma (Part Three – The Surrender Series)
__________†__________ “Everyone is leaping off the cliff into the soft sand. I really want to do it, too, but I can't.” Really? I really want to? Unless my legs don't work, no one is believing my claim of “I really want to.” “I know I need to forgive her, and I really...
My Top Ten List of Why I Don’t Want to Surrender to God (Part Two—The Surrender Series)
Here’s my Top Ten list of why I don’t want to surrender to God. How many made your list? Have you truly surrendered? Read and find out.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32