The Sweet Blessing of Bitter Trials
Blessings come in different forms. Sometimes they come first as bitter trials, but we can trust God to transform them into sweet blessings.

Fun Friday ~ Michael Jr. and Jesus’ Lil Brother
Can you imagine growing up with Jesus as your big brother? No pressure! Right? Comedian Michael Jr. has thought a lot about it, and it's just plain funny! And since it's Fun Friday, I had to share his hilarious thoughts on the subject with you ... What scenarios could...
Football, Fireworks, and a Big Green Piano
Have you found that God loves to teach us powerful lessons in the most unexpected ways and times? My dear friend, and fellow Carolina Panther fanatic, Leigh Ann Thomas never expected what God had planned for her when she went to cheer on the Panthers. I'm thrilled to...
Never Forget In The Dark What God Has Shown You In the Light (Praise Picture)
You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light. ~ 2 Samuel 22:29 NIV † Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. ~ Matthew 24:35 NASB † Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105 NASB † And you will...
Fun Friday ~ Kick Off Your Weekend with a Funny Video: Run Dog! Rap!
Sometimes I just feel like laughing. Adorable little boys running with big shaggy dogs make me laugh, so I thought I'd share a laugh with you for Fun Friday. If you've watched even a few seconds of the news, you know we in South Carolina have been living through an...
Praise Picture — The Art of Holding On To Your Faith (CS Lewis)
[bctt tweet="#PraisePicture: The Art of Holding On To Your Faith #CSLewis #Faith"] [bctt tweet="#Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason once accepted despite your changing moods. #CSLewis"]
Memorizing Bible Verses Just Got Easier — The Best Free Bible Verse Memory Apps
Memorization works. Discover my top three Bible verse memory apps and my personal favorite.
Rivals for a Day, Friends for Life: Conformed to Christ Through Football (Thanks, Samoa.)
Football's back! Life is good! But before we put on our school colors, we'd better put on Christ. So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and...
Freedom Behind Bars: The Charles Livingston Story ~ One Year Anniversary
Charles Livingston has felt the joy of freedom from prison for a year now. In honor of the one year anniversary of his release, I'm reposting his amazing story. Freedom Behind Bars: The Charles Livingston Story What would you do if you'd been put in prison for...
My Top Five Favorite Bible Study Apps
Discover my five favorite Bible study apps. A library of biblical knowledge in the palm of your hands.
Praise Picture: Be Strong & Courageous — God is with you. (Joshua 1:9)
God surprises me at the most unexpected times. I guess if it was expected, it wouldn't be a surprise. Duh. We'd just stepped out of our youngest child's dorm, having just moved her into her new home -- away from us -- and her new life -- separate from us. Can you hear...
Work Hard or Pray Hard?
Speaking of working hard and praying hard . . . I welcome to my blog today my friend, author and editor Lori Hatcher. Lori's the author of one of my favorite devotionals Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time, but more importantly, she's epitomizes the person whom God...
What If We Lived What We Say We Believe? (Guideposts Blog Post)
"Not always easy, but always right." That's what one Facebook reader wrote in response to my question: "What If We Lived What We Say We Believe?" Michelle Medlock Adams, an author, speaker and generous friend, writes an excellent column for Guideposts called...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32