It’s Summer Reading Time! Load Up On Great Books

I get more reading done on vacation than any other time. I've discovered some of my favorite authors while reading on the beach in summer or next to a fire in winter. I'm sharing some of my favorites over the next three months, starting with this one: Hungry for God,...

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We Will Not Forget — We Must Not Forget

We Will Not Forget — We Must Not Forget

My son Bobby met a war hero. We will not forget. We must not forget. Bobby spent almost an hour talking with a man who'd fought on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day and at the Battle of the Bulge. Bobby held this hero's medal and marveled at the stories he shared of...

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God is Good. Us? We’re Just Not That Good. Bless Our Hearts.

JEAN:  My friend Traci Burns and I realized we're just not that good while standing in her front hallway covered in paint. Bless our hearts. I'm not talking about whether we're "good" people. Jesus settled that for us: And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good?...

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Waiting & Wondering Are Agonizing. God is Amazing!

Waiting can be agonizing. Waiting and wondering can be torture. But God is absolutely amazing! Yesterday God blew me away with His kindness and His ways in the midst of agonized waiting and wondering. He doesn't always answer me in miraculous ways. Sometimes He...

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“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

it's All About Him Transformational Bible Study Method by Jean Wilund

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