The Glory (and Great Blessings) in the Waiting
We hate waiting, but the work God does in the waiting brings us great blessings and teaches us to wait with expectation and joy.

Surrender, Pray, Rest (While My Child is Away – Part 5)
Surrender, Pray, Rest Surrender, Pray, Rest is my motto for life and parenting. Surrender opens our ears to God. Prayer opens our communication with God. Rest opens God's blessings on us through faith. When I asked Edie Melson, author of While My Child is Away: My...
Laughter Through the Hard Times of Parenting (While My Child is Away ~ Part 4)
Parenting Will Make You Cry Parenting will make you cry -- tears of sorrow and tears of laughter. Edie Melson, author of While My Child is Away: Prayers for When We Are Apart, and her husband try to look at life through the lens of laughter. This mindset made a big...
The Myth of Perfect Parenting ~ While My Child is Away ~ Part 3
Have you fallen for the myth of perfect parenting? I did. But not for long. After I woke up to the truth, I sank into a pit of despair, thinking I'm the reason my kids will go broke on therapy! Mercifully, God rescued me from that pit. The maddening myth of perfect...
The Surprise Blessing of Desperation — While My Child is Away – Part 2
Imagine sitting across from two of your kids as they describe waking up, floating in a river hours after having been struck by lightning and blown out of their kayaks. Edie Melson lived that nightmare. Read the excerpt here if you missed yesterday's post. Motivation...
While My Child is Away (Part 1)
Here we go again. Kids scattered around the country. Last night Larry and I drove off from Clemson University with an empty U-Haul and without our youngest. Year two of our empty nest begins. Tweet Tweet. Every time one of our children flies away, I turn to prayer....
My Lighthouse: Because a Stubby Nightlight Just Won’t Do
Lighthouse or Nightlight? I just spent a fabulous week in Cape Cod. So much beauty. But seriously? Some of their lighthouses are so stubby they seem more like a nightlight than a lighthouse. My husband laughed and said it's as if their lighthouses are barely...
When the Day You’ve Waited For Finally Comes — And For Those Still Waiting
Waiting. Ugh! My son waited 598 agonizingly long days after he proposed for the day he'd hear his bride say, "I do." After 14,352 crawling hours, 861,120 creeping minutes, 51,667,200 seemingly never-ending seconds, the day finally came! When the day you've waited...
Marcel The Shell with Shoes On — Because Laughter Is Good for the Soul
Laughter is good for the soul. Laughter is good. It's better than good. It's amazing. Especially on Mondays. I have a huge week ahead of me. Maybe you do, too. To prepare, I thought we could all start with a good laugh. I used to think I couldn't laugh during times of...
A Shadow of a Doubt: When Your Faith Is Small Enough to Fit into the Cracks of Your Palm
A Shadow of a Doubt by Joseph Solomon is the most powerful video I've seen all year. Joseph leaves me speechless, and that's not an easy thing to do. Watch the video below and then tell me what you think -- if it hasn't left you speechless, too, that is. [bctt...
The Short Answer to Why We Worship God (Praise Picture)
Why do we worship God? Fair question. I heard a great answer on the radio. I missed who said it, but I didn't miss what they said. "We don't worship God to gain His approval but to bask in His love and acceptance." Bask away everyone! ...
How Now, Mooo Cow? (Clubhouse Jr. Magazine)
Hey, diddle diddle. The cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped onto the roof. Focus on the Family published my article, How Now, Mooo Cow? in their Clubhouse Jr Magazine! I fell in love with them when Larry and I lived on the edge of a cow pasture. There's...
When God Clears the Mist
We don't always know what God's up to. His ways can seem confusing, almost misty. Sometimes He parts the mist and reveals what He's doing. Other times, He asks us to walk by faith, not by sight. No matter how confused we may be about God's ways, we can walk in...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32