Memorizing Scripture: What’s a Great Way to Memorize Bible Verses?
Learn two great methods for memorizing Bible verses. I share an old school method and a new tech method for memorizing Scripture.

Jesus, The King of Peace. Us, the Donkey?
Jesus, The King of Peace The end was near. Jesus' ministry on earth was approaching its climax, but the large crowd gathered in Jerusalem for Passover remained unaware. All they knew was this man called Jesus was coming. They hoped He was coming to set them free from...
A Cross, Not a Stone Because Jesus Came to Set Us Free, Not Be Set Free
Everything would’ve been different if hadn’t God intervened because He required a cross, not a stone, and Jesus came to set us free, not to be set free.
Why is the Truth that God is Sovereign so Comforting?
God is sovereign, but what does that mean and why do we care? Understanding God’s sovereignty comforts us in the storms of life and every day.
Be Still & Know – Praise Picture
Be still and know God has a plan for you. God is in control. God loves you. I AM God [bctt tweet="Be still and know . . . GOD #GodIsInControl #GodLovesYou" username="JeanWilund"]
Plant Faith, Not Fear. Because We All Have to Live WITH Fear, but not IN Fear. Always.
We All Live WITH Fear I was eight years old and terrified. I'd taken my bike for a spin in our neighborhood when it suddenly morphed into a Stephen King bicycle -- a sort of Christine the Possessed Car's cousin. My bike seemed alive and determined to be rid of me....
My Tulips Were Smarter Than Me – And They Don’t Even Have a Brain
My tulips were smarter than me. Which is kind of sad since they don't even have a brain. But they do have great instincts. With just their God-given instincts, each one of my tulips turned around in their vase and faced the light streaming through my window. They...
God’s Truth, A Shroud of Swiss Alps Clouds, and an Early Morning Lesson
I'm Awake Now! I opened my eyes just before 7:00 am as I've done countless times. But never before had the view from my bed slapped me so fully awake. Breath-taking, snow-capped mountains towered just beyond my open balcony door. It felt like I could touch them....
Never Forget In The Dark What God Has Shown You In the Light
Never forget in the dark what God has shown you in the Light. Remember Truth. It never changes. God never changes. Read these verses to help you remember the light of truth in the darkness of night. † You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light. ~ 2...
Hate and Despair Are Never the Answer. Jesus Is.
I Miss Fluffy Facebook I never thought I'd miss reading a Facebook post about what someone ate for breakfast or that they're going to brush their teeth. But with so much hate and despair spewing out on Facebook and on every place an opinion or thought can be spewed, I...
Ah Lord God! Nothing is Too Difficult For You
Ah Lord God! That's how I feel as I face the New Year. Ah! (Insert Smiley Face) As the sun sets on 2016 and rises on 2017, let's look to this exciting truth for our hope and joy this year: Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your...
Luke and His Pickles with a Purpose (Clubhouse Magazine)
Ten-year-old Luke H is changing lives for the homeless one pickle at a time. Read Clubhouse magazine’s crazy & inspiring story of “Pickles with a Purpose.”
31 Keys to Living 31 Years Happily Married to the Same Person (No One Does I Do Like We Do)
Happy 31st Anniversary, Larry! I echo Harry Conick, Jr.'s song: No one does I do like we do. A lot of them mean it when they say it, but they don't do I do like we do or they'd still be doing I do, too. In honor of our 31 years together, here are 31 keys to how we've...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32