Get the Best Bible Book Introductions and Concordances
Want to better understand each book of the Bible? Bible book introductions and concordances help. After I explain what they are and why they're helpful, I'll give you links to the ones I recommended. There are surely other great ones, but the ones below will give you...

New Podcast Season 3: Ease into the Bible
Season 3 of the “It’s All About Him!” podcast features my latest resource—Ease into the Bible: How to Wade into the Water of God’s Word. It’s for those new to the Bible or for frustrated Bible readers.
God Does His Deepest (and Greatest) Work in Our Darkest Hours
When life is darkest, God remains faithful. He does His deepest (and greatest) work in our darkest hours.
In Case You’re Wondering What This Christian Believes
What we believe about God and His Word are our most important beliefs.
What Inspired Me to Write Embracing Joy?
What inspired me to write Embracing Joy: an 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk after I’d vowed never to write a Bible study?
Why Is Habakkuk 2:14 a Great Memory Verse—And the First Memory Verse in Embracing Joy?
Discover why Habakkuk 2:14 is the perfect first memory verse for Embracing Joy and studying any book of the Bible—and for life.
Cry—Because Sometimes Tears Are Necessary, But Hope Is Nearby
Do you need to cry? For all who are going through a painful time, I’m sharing great encouragement from friend and author, Lori Hatcher.
Memorizing Scripture: What’s a Great Way to Memorize Bible Verses?
Learn two great methods for memorizing Bible verses. I share an old school method and a new tech method for memorizing Scripture.
The Gift of God’s Acceptance
We all want acceptance. Learn how to embrace the gift of God’s acceptance—the gift that satisfies, not terrifies, our heart.
The Glory (and Great Blessings) in the Waiting
We hate waiting, but the work God does in the waiting brings us great blessings and teaches us to wait with expectation and joy.
Living Every Day with Confident Anticipation: Christ is Coming!
In a world cursed by sin, how can we live every day in confident anticipation of Christ’s present power and future coming?
Three Helps When You Can’t Catch Up
When you can’t catch up and life feels like a Whack-a-Mole Game, remember these two truths and use this one App.
The Sweet Blessing of Bitter Trials
Blessings come in different forms. Sometimes they come first as bitter trials, but we can trust God to transform them into sweet blessings.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32