Cry—Because Sometimes Tears Are Necessary, But Hope Is Nearby
Do you need to cry? For all who are going through a painful time, I’m sharing great encouragement from friend and author, Lori Hatcher.

We Will Not Forget. We Must Not Forget.
We Will Not, Must Not, Forget our Heroes My son Bobby met a war hero. We will not forget. We must not forget. Bobby held this hero's medal and spent almost an hour talking with a man who'd fought on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day and at the Battle of the Bulge. He...
Don’t Misunderstand the Song “What a Beautiful Name” — Jesus Doesn’t Need You, But He Wants You
I Misunderstood The first time I heard What a Beautiful Name by Hillsong I misunderstood. The song is topping the charts and played in churches around the world, but something about it sat wrong with me. The line about Jesus not wanting heaven without you and me...
Life Is Either a Daring Adventure Or Nothing At All ~ Take It On!
No Fear The bodyboarder on the island of Kauai had no fear -- or perhaps no sense. He crouched on the beach and studied the waves. Ignoring ones reasonable men would choose, he waited on the ridiculous waves. Waves that would tower over his head and possess the...
When God Isn’t Meeting Your Desperate Need
Help! When I heard Bobby's desperate scream from his room, fear shot through my heart. I couldn’t get to him fast enough. My ten-year-old son had fallen on top of a folding chair, which then collapsed onto his right thumb and held it in a crushing vise...
Don’t Stop. You’re Almost There!
Don't stop because you're tired. Keep going because you're almost there! (Mom's Thought for the Week with Traci Burns) My friend Traci Burns sent me her Mom's Thought for the Week. Now you have it, too. You're welcome. I needed to hear this today. Did you kamagra...
Momma Rabbit’s Nibbles & Sips Featured in Reach Out Columbia magazine
It's time to grab a nibble and a sip at one Lexington, SC's best new restaurants: Momma Rabbit's Nibbles & Sips. Reach Out Columbia magazine invited me to introduce Momma Rabbit's to you and share the fascinating story of this unique restaurant and its even more...
Always Reaching. Never Satisfied. What Are You Reaching For?
Reaching. "We live in a culture that is reaching for anything and everything but at least for something. Something new. Something bigger. Something to hold onto. Reaching becomes a habit that is never satisfying. However . . . " Oh, what a powerful However it is....
Sick of WHAT, Give me WHO — Reading the Bible for Transformation, Not Information
Sick of What. Give me Who. I stared at my Bible and thought, I really should read it, but I don’t want to. Tired of being reminded of all the commands I’d break before bedtime — before breakfast if I’m being honest — I sighed. How do some Christians live with power...
Reality Sunk In. Jesus was Gone. He is Risen! Just as He Said.
REALITY SUNK IN. JESUS WAS GONE. "It is finished," He'd cried. Then He lowered His head and gave up His Spirit. Jesus' followers watched as darkness descended. Reality sunk in. Jesus was gone. They laid Him in a tomb. A stone sealed away hope. Reality sunk in. Jesus...
One Day. Two Days. Reality Sunk In. Jesus Was Gone.
REALITY SUNK IN "It is finished," He'd cried. Then He lowered His head and gave up His Spirit. Jesus' followers watched as the earth moved. Reality sunk in. Jesus was gone. They laid Him in a tomb. A stone sealed away hope. Reality sunk in. Jesus was gone. The...
Three Powerful Ways Christ Said I Love You
I love you. The three best words ever spoken. In French, they say Je t’aime. In Italian, Ti amo. Spanish, Te amo. Germans say Ich liebe dich. But on Good Friday, Christ said I love you with three different words: It is finished. With these three words,...
How Jesus and Barabbas Are Similar but Very Different – And That Makes All the Difference
Just imagine1. . . Barabbas, the son of the father “He’s so beautiful,” the baby's mother said to her husband. “Look, he has your eyes. Let’s call him Barabbas, son of the father.” The proud father smiled. Years flew by, and Barabbas grew up. Somewhere along the path...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32