Why Is Habakkuk 2:14 a Great Memory Verse—And the First Memory Verse in Embracing Joy?
Discover why Habakkuk 2:14 is the perfect first memory verse for Embracing Joy and studying any book of the Bible—and for life.

Welcome to the Bible: A Thick Book With Lots of Authors — An Overview of Who Wrote the Bible
In the Beginning . . . “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). And thus began the story of the Bible. It took God only six days to create the world but about 1,500+ years to complete the Bible. In my first post in the Welcome to the...
Jesus is Born—The Christmas Story According to Kids
While most know about Christmas, how many know the story according to kids? The kids in this hilarious video set the story straight. And apparently, it involves a purple stuffed hippo. https://youtu.be/suowe2czxcA I love this version of the Christmas story, but, it...
Need Encouragement When Life Has Gone to the Dogs? Visit Me at “Inspire A Fire” Today
I may be having issues with my blog, but you can find me today over at the website Inspire A Fire. I'm excited to announce I've been invited to be a monthly contributor to this encouraging website. Visit me there and check out my first post. Click on the link below:...
The Story of War Revealed Through a Single Look – Welcome Home, Hank Januchowski
Power in a Picture War Veteran Hank Januchowski was just doing his job that day in Vietnam when photographer Larry Burrows asked to take his picture. "What do you want me to do?" Hank asked Larry. "Just do what you're doing." So Hank kept doing his job, the job of a...
The Short Answer to Why We Worship God (Praise Picture)
Why do we worship God? Fair question. I heard a great answer on the radio. I missed who said it, but I didn't miss what they said. "We don't worship God to gain His approval but to bask in His love and acceptance." Bask away, everyone! ...
Now That’s Funny! Pray with Your Neighbor (Michael Jr. Comedy)
It's Friday. Whoo Hoo! I've had an incredible week. It's been incredibly busy -- code for too busy to blog. And incredibly fun -- code for don't feel sorry for me. But it's also been too long since I've connected with you all, so I thought we should reconnect with a...
Hurricane Softened Soil & Hearts
We Interrupt These Blog Posts to Bring You A Hurricane Stupid hurricane. It blew in and wrecked my plans. For thousands, it wrecked a lot more. My heart breaks over the news of those who've lost so much in Hurricane Irma (September 2017) [and how Hurricane...
Enoch Walked With God & Had a Methuselah Moment — You Can, Too! (Part 2)
My Methuselah Moment Ever had a Magic Moment, the kind that the Drifters sing about? I have. But even better than a Magic Moment is a Methuselah Moment — a moment in time when your walk with God changes forever. By that I mean, you walk with God. If you walk away...
Enoch Walked With God and Had a Methuselah Moment — You Can Too (Part 1)
Enoch Walked with God I’m so glad Enoch walked with God instead of ran. I don’t run. Unless someone is chasing me or there’s only one serving left of the Mint Moose Tracks ice cream. Or Hurricane Irma comes knocking on our door. I'm running then! Otherwise, I'll stick...
Wait. What? — Need Help Understanding the Bible?
"I've tried to read the Bible before, but I just don't understand it." How many times have you heard that? Or said it? I get it. An IKEA instruction manual can sometimes make more sense than the Bible. Sometimes. But never fear. God has not left us to decipher it by...
A Total Eclipse of Awe-Inspiring Faith & How to Find It
Ooh, Wow! Don't Look at the Sun! I think I said, “Ooh, wow!” and “Don’t look at the sun!” in my sleep last night. If you watched the total solar eclipse, you know what I mean. Ooh! Wow! Especially if you watched it with small children. Don’t look at the sun! For about...
Jesus Keeps His Appointments
Jesus Keeps His Appointments on CBN.com I admit that title may be a bit confusing. It sounds like Jesus only keeps His appointments on CBN.com. And what kind of appointments does He have there anyway? Let me clear this up. Jesus Keeps His Appointments is a devotion I...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32