What Inspired Me to Write Embracing Joy?
What inspired me to write Embracing Joy: an 8-Week Transformational Bible Study of Habakkuk after I’d vowed never to write a Bible study?
Can Sin Ever Be Good?
Can Sin Ever Be Good? Can sin ever be good? The answer seems obvious – No! But hear me out. I have a story that can help us answer that question -- a question we each need to ponder. Just to warn you a little, this is not a chicken nugget post. It's more like filet....
EXODUS ~ A Super-Short Summary (and a Less-Than-Super-Short Summary)
2. EXODUS "The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt." ~ Exodus 12:13 Super-Short Summary: In Exodus, God shows what...
GENESIS ~ An Overview
Book #1. GENESIS “In the beginning, God created...” ~ Genesis 1:1 Super-Short Summary: In Genesis, God created mankind to know and enjoy Him forever. But since we’d rather be our own God than serve the one true God, sin entered the world and set in motion God’s...
The 66 Books of the Bible in 37 Words
Dipping Our Toes Into Each Book of the Bible To dive in and fully explain each book of the Bible would take, well, a book. Instead, we’re merely going to dip our toes into the 66 books of the Bible, not bathe in them. I’ll give you a super-short summary of each book...
Dine, Don’t Snack, on Scripture ~ Welcome to the Bible: Chapters and Verses Bring Convenience and Challenges ~ Part 3
Does this ever happen to you? Life gets busy. Too busy to do much more than the most urgent, like drink coffee so you can do everything else. Reading the Bible falls off your plan for the day. And the next day. And the next. Ugh. You move through the week and lament...
Welcome to the Bible: Chapters and Verses Bring Convenience and Challenges ~ Part 2 ~ Context Matters
God Inspired the Bible. Man Added Chapters and Verses, And a Few Challenges: Loss of Context. I’m thankful man added chapters and verses to the Bible. I'm also thankful I learned about the challenges that come with them. Last time we looked at the first of three...
Welcome to the Bible: Chapters and Verses Bring Convenience and Challenges ~ Part 1 ~ Handy, But Not God-Inspired
John, Chapter 3, Verse 16 I bet you can quote John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. You may know that verse, but do you know who to thank for giving it an...
Why Can’t God’s Highest Purpose Be My Comfort Instead of His Glory?
God’s glory is His highest purpose—and that’s great news news for us. Jesus revealed this great truth through a blind man in John 9.
E-Bible or Printed Bible? Why I’ll Never Give Up My Printed Bible
I sort of freaked the other day. I couldn't find one of my Bibles. The one in the photo above. I bought a new study Bible a few months ago that I've been using lately and couldn't remember where I'd placed the other one. My heart ached at the thought of all I'd lose...
How the Books of the New Testament Are Organized
Confused Yet? If you were brand new to the Bible and started in the New Testament, it might confuse you at first. My friend Ray received a New Testament and started at the beginning -- like most people do with any book. He loved the story of Jesus in Matthew and...
How Are the Books of the Old Testament Organized?
How Are the Books of the Old Testament Organized? Are you like me? Did you assume the Old Testament is in chronological order? It starts out like that in Genesis. "In the beginning . . . Day one . . . Day two. . . Then . . .Then . . ." It continues like this through...
Welcome to the Bible: Books, Chapters, and Verses, Oh My! ~ Why Two Testaments?
Sixty-Six Books, 1,189 Chapters, and 31,173 Verses The Bible has 66 books, 1,189 chapters, and 31,173 Verses. Oh, my! At least in the New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation, it does. There are many different translations of the Bible. If there...
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32