Written by Judy Dunagan for Revive Our Hearts
“Would you prayerfully consider starting a new ministry to women at our church?”
I remember being somewhat taken aback when our senior and executive pastors met with me back in 2001 to ask that question. Our young family had moved about every two years due to my husband’s job transfers, and my commitment to women’s ministry leadership up to this point had been leading neighborhood outreach book clubs and Bible studies in my home.
I responded, “If the main focus is getting women into the Word, then sign me up!”
That was almost twenty years ago, when there seemed to be a new awakening in His Church to go deeper into His Word within community. Women’s leaders were clamoring for ways to equip women to teach and study His Word together. Thankfully, there were some excellent Bible studies being published that helped women get into the Word every day. The Holy Spirit used those studies in my own walk to create a new hunger and thirst for His Word.
Today there are so many women’s Bible studies to choose from—many with video curriculum by bestselling authors and speakers—that it is often difficult to determine which studies to choose for the Bible studies you oversee in your ministry. Having so many choices can seem somewhat overwhelming. If you lead a women’s ministry in a larger church, I assume you and your leadership team have wrestled with these questions (and more):
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