Want to connect with other women during this crazy coronavirus time? I’ve got the perfect option.
This project has been a while in the making, and I’m excited to announce, it’s almost time to unveil it. The free online Character of God Bible Study Series is coming soon! Very soon.
I first wrote about the Character of God Study Method for Revive Our Hearts. Now I’m inviting you to join me in my free online Bible Study Series based on this easy and transformational study method.
As we meet together online, I’ll show you how it can deepen in you a love for God’s Word that you’ve always longed to enjoy.
If you’re already passionate about Bible study, your love will go deeper still. That’s the power of God’s Word and the impact of His character on our lives.
I don’t have the exact date yet because I‘m still putting the details together. But I wanted to go ahead and let you know so you can plan to join me and tell your friends.
I’ve got fun things planned for us, including a Giveaway in our first meeting. I’ll give you all the details next week.
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There’s always room for more to join us as we fall in love with God and His Word and laugh while doing it.
I’m so excited! You’re an excellent teacher. I always learn lots from you 🙂
You’re so kind. I have such wonderful friends like you who spur me on and set great examples for me. 🙂 I’m so excited that it’s going to be interactive. It won’t just be me lecturing, although I could do that all day. LOL