Cry Out 40 Day Prayer Guide

Cry Out!

Let this not be just a moment, but a movement of prayer.
~Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Did you miss it?

Friday, September 23, 2016, Revive Our Hearts Ministries  sponsored the Cry Out! Simulcast Prayer Event. 

“Throughout history, when things looked the most bleak, God’s people would pray with a desperate cry.

A cry for Him to revive the church.

A cry for Him to awaken non-believers to new life.

A cry for Him to transform communities—not through political means or education or programs—but by changing hearts.

We believe in that for our day.” (Quoted from

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, one of my favorite Bible teachers on the planet, helped lead the event. An incredible array of Christian leaders joined her.

As women around the world prayed, several of my friends and I met and prayed with them.

It was a powerful evening. We affected history.

For God does nothing but in answer to prayer.
(John Wesley)

Don’t miss this

Starting Monday, Revive our Hearts is sponsoring a 40 Day Pray for your Nation event.

Each week, they’ll send out a new email across the world from which we can each pray for our nation.

Please join us and pray

To get the most out of this time of united prayer:

  1. Sign up to receive the free 40 Day Prayer Guide. (See the link below)
  2. Gather a group of women–a Prayer Huddle–who’ll commit to pray through the guide as well.
  3. Meet with your Prayer Huddle each week for the next six weeks and pray for your families, community, nation, and the world.

Only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God.
~ E.M. Bounds

Click on this link to visit Cry Out! & Sign Up for your free 40 Day Prayer Guide. 

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