This introductory article to the “Ease into the Bible” series first appeared on Revive Our Hearts
Editor’s Note: Today we begin an exciting new series from ROH blogger Jean Wilund. The topic is one that’s near and dear to our hearts here at Revive Our Hearts: digging deeper into God’s Word. Whether you’re a Bible study novice or an expositional whiz kid, we know you’ll appreciate this course in Bible basics. Let’s roll! —Laura Elliott
Few things thrill me more than a crisp new year waiting to unfold before me—unless it’s a crisp new Bible. I love the crinkling sound the spine makes as I crease it for the first time and the fresh scent that rises from its untouched pages.
With my multicolored pens in one hand and my favorite Bible reading plan in the other, I set off on another tour through the greatest book ever written. Each adventure I take from Genesis to Revelation draws me closer to the Lord God Almighty, the Great I Am. His Word fills me with joy as it shapes my heart and mind a little more like Christ’s every day.
Want to Fall in Love with God’s Word?
Are you ready to dive into the Bible this year? Or are you a bit tentative, not sure where or how to begin? I’ve been there. It’s why I created this new Bible series, “Ease into the Bible.”
In this series, we’ll unfold our Bibles and ease into them one step at a time. By the end, we’ll have a firm footing in the basics of the Bible and be eager to plunge into a lifetime of loving God’s Word and experiencing transformation and joy as it does its perfect work in us.
Share this series with anyone you know who’s new to the Bible—or old to the Bible, but still not comfortable in understanding it, wishing they loved it more. Many of us were given a Bible at some point in our lives, but we weren’t introduced to it in a way that gave us confidence to know how to study it or experience true transformation as we read it. For the first twenty-five years of my walk with Christ, that was my experience.
Have You Reached a Point of
Frustration in Your Bible Reading?
I loved my Bible, but not enough to want to read it every day. Many days I did my Christian duty. I’d often read verses that thrilled my soul. Other times I’d read a verse that curled my toes and straightened up my behavior. I loved my Lord, my church, and I praised God for my salvation, but over time I became disillusioned.
Why did perfect peace and continual joy elude me? They said it comes with walking with Christ. But when? Eventually I reached a point of utter frustration. And then God opened my eyes. I cried out to God, and the Holy Spirit soon exposed mistakes I was making in how I viewed the Bible and studied it.
The changes I made transformed me. For the first time, I understood how the Bible truly changes us from the inside out as we come to know and love the God of the Word through the Word of God. If you’re a Christian, this can be your experience too.
Exciting New Ease into the Bible Series Topics
Some of the topics we’ll discuss in this series are:
- Is Reading the Bible Really Worth the Bother?
- What’s the Main Point of the Bible?
- How Do We Know We Can Trust the Bible?
- What’s the Best Way to Destroy Stumbling Blocks to Understanding and Loving the Bible?
- How Did We Get the Bible? The Question of the Canon
- Why Do We Need 2 Testaments and 66 Books—And What Do We Do with Them?
- Why So Many Bibles—And Which Should I Study?
- Is There an Easy Way to Study the Bible That Truly Transforms?
- What if I Study the Bible but I Still Can’t Understand It?
- What’s Biblical Doctrine and Does it Matter?
- How Do I Decipher Christianese and Other Strange Things Christians Say?
- Which People, Points, and Parts Are Most Important in Each Book of the Bible?
- What’s the Big Deal About Church—Do I Have to Go?
- How Can I Find a Good Church?
Join us for this exciting new series. If you have any questions that you’d like us to answer about the Bible, be sure to comment below. Look forward to our first post as we begin to ease into the Bible one toe at a time for a lifetime of transformation and joy.