God Changed My Life Through Revive Our Hearts
God has used many ministries to help grow my faith, but none more than my local church (Grace Bible Church) and the women’s ministry of Revive Our Hearts.
Through the biblical teaching of Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, the ministry’s founder, God transformed my understanding of pride and forgiveness. This understanding changed my life forever. At the time I heard Nancy teach, Revive Our Hearts wasn’t even a ministry yet.
We’ve both come a long way since then, and I’m now overjoyed to get to serve this exceptional ministry.
ROH Writing Team: I’m grateful and honored to serve as a member of the ROH writing Team. You can find my articles and blog posts here.
ROH Women’s Ministry Leader Facebook Group: It’s also an honor to connect with women from around the world as a moderator for the ROH Women’s Ministry Leader private Facebook Group. If you serve in leadership in any way, ROH invites you to join this group. You’ll find encouragement, prayer, and a wealth of information to help you best serve.
Revive Our Hearts Podcast: I’ve also had the privilege of sharing my story of brokenness on the ROH podcast in the fall of 2019. Nancy’s teaching revealed the depth of my pride and laid out the path to forgiveness and heart revival. Nothing has been the same again.
Not a day goes by since that weekend long ago that I don’t think about her teaching on brokenness.
Nancy and Dannah Gresh shared my interview on the Revive Our Hearts podcast on December 13, 2019:
God Is Writing a Story: Jean

About Revive Our Hearts
If you’re still not sure what Revive Our Hearts is about, read the description below that I ripped from their About page.
Then scroll down and click through to the many ROH resources for women I’ve listed below.
Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ
“There are a whole lot of women out there who are simply surviving each day. They have shelter, they have food, but . . .
These characteristics that God intended for all His daughters are glaringly absent. Most women are functioning, but they’re certainly not thriving. They’d tell you so themselves.
Here at Revive Our Hearts, we wake up every morning with this desire burning in our hearts: to help women thrive in Christ.
Not only do we want this for each woman, we believe that: 1 thriving woman + 1 thriving woman + 1 thriving woman = A thriving culture.
Everything we do is with the aim of helping women thrive in Christ—to really know Him, to trust Him enough to obey Him, to love and enjoy Him.”
Revive Our Hearts Resources
The Gospel Story
ROH shares the gospel: Created by God for His Glory, Shattered by Sin, and Saved and Given a Future Hope.
Deeply Rooted
“Resources to keep you rooted in God’s Word.”
Revive Our Hearts Podcasts
“Grow in your love for the Word and the Lord Jesus as you listen to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth’s twenty-five-minute program.” Enjoy the variety of podcasts offered by Revive Our Hearts.
Seeking Him Podcast
“Let God transform you—one minute at a time! Bite-sized Bible teaching from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.”
Revive Our Hearts App
“Stay up to date with all the latest programs, news, and biblical content.”
Listen on the RADIO, ALEXA, or GOOGLE HOME
Check the list of radio stations in your area as well as internet stations that carry the ROH program. Learn how to tell Alexa or Google Home to play the Revive Our Hearts program.
ROH Resource Library
Find a wealth of resources for these specific categories: Mother, Teenager, Single Woman, Married Woman, Mentor, Women’s Ministry Leader, Empty Nester, Hurting Woman, Student of the Word.
Revive Our Hearts Blogs
“Encouragement to embrace God’s design in every season & situation of life”
Resources for Women’s Ministry Leaders/Leader Connection Blog
You need someone to walk alongside to sharpen and encourage you in your calling. That’s our mission. By serving leaders like you, we enable you to reach many women with the beauty of the gospel.”
~Leslie Bennett
Women’s Ministry Initiatives
Revive Our Hearts Ambassadors
Connecting. Encouraging. Equipping.
“I’m glad you’ve stopped by. Our Ambassador Team is made up of women called to come alongside other leaders and influencers and encourage them and help them press on in the daily duties of women’s ministry. If you are a leader and would like to connect with an Ambassador in your area, you’ve come to the right place. If you’d like to explore becoming an Ambassador yourself, I’m glad to share some details. I hope you click around and stay awhile.”
Serving Him,
~ Angela Temples
National Field Director
Bible Study Series
Biblical Womanhood
“When God created you as a woman, He created something “very good.” Learn how you uniquely reflect His image as a woman, and discover the ways you can display Christ’s glory and the gospel’s beauty in every area of life.”
“Have you ever wondered if there is more to the Christian life than just being “good” on the outside? Yes, there is! These resources will draw you into a deeper awareness of God’s presence and open your eyes to the truly free, full, and fruitful life Christ offers you.”
Women of the Bible
“Journey with a panel of women from Revive Our Hearts as we explore the lives of various women of the Bible. Each new season will focus on a different biblical truth as we review the lives of women like Elizabeth (the mother of John the Baptist), Abigail, Esther, and more.”