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The Compassion of Christ
There are few things better than loving your mom. Maybe only your love for God ranks more important. Of course, as a mom, I may be biased.
Jesus loved His mother. His disciples. Even His enemies. The first three of Jesus’ last words display the depth of His love and compassion for others.
As He hung on the cross in agony, His concern was for the forgiveness of His enemies, the salvation of the believing thief, and the needs of His mother, Mary.
Jesus Loved His Mother
We don’t know what happened to Jesus’ father, Joseph, by this point. Most believe he must have died since the Bible doesn’t mention him after he and Mary lost Jesus in Jerusalem after Passover when Jesus was 12.
Mary, on the other hand, we see often in the Gospel accounts. Including here at the foot of the cross.
As pain pierced Jesus’ body, He focused all His attention on His mother. And He passed on the responsibility of caring for her to His beloved disciple, John.
It’s natural when we’re in pain to turn our thoughts inward. But Jesus didn’t.
May His example inspire us to show more compassion, trusting God to give us the strength we need no matter our circumstances.
I need this encouragement because I can get so absorbed in what I’m doing that I’m oblivious to everything and everyone around me.
Jesus Wants You To Call Your Mother (Hint. Hint.)
As a side note, Jesus also demonstrated the importance of showing love to your mother.
Did you hear that, kids? Jesus said so.