Who is God?
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
– A.W. Tozer
I would add to Tozer’s excellent statement that what we think about God is much less than what we should think of Him. (See this article: Is Your View of God as High as You Think?)
I can’t think of a better investment of our time than studying the Word of God to know the God of the Word in such a way that the Truth of who He is fills our hearts and minds and spills out into our actions.
When tragedy strikes, what we know and believe about God determines whether we’re able to stand firm as we lean on His matchless nature, or if we’ll crumple under the weight of our sorrows.
Search this page of the various attributes of God and discover His majesty. Click on the links for related articles for each attribute.
(If you don’t see a clickable link on an attribute below, I’m either writing the article or have it on my To Do list. Check back often.).
Don’t see an attribute you want to know more about? Contact me to let me know, and I’ll work on it.
GOD IS . . .
- The Great I AM (Exodus 4:13)
- Ask the Best Questions When Life is Too Hard (Who is the Great I AM? vs. Who Am I in Christ?)
This article helps us see that while it is important to know who we are in Christ, it’s even more important to know who God is. Knowing who we are in Christ is life-changing. Know who the Great I AM is, well, life itself. He is our strength and our joy.
- Ask the Best Questions When Life is Too Hard (Who is the Great I AM? vs. Who Am I in Christ?)
- The Three-in-One, Trinity—God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—three separate persons in one divine nature.
- Incomprehensible — He’s more than we can fully understand, which is good. If God were small enough to be understood, He wouldn’t be big enough to be God.
- Omnipresence and Immensity of God — God is not only everywhere at all times (omnipresent), He fully present wherever He is (the immensity of God).
- Transcendent— Outside of Time and Space — Eternal/Everlasting
- Immutable — Unchanging & Unchangeable
- Self-Existent — Self-Sufficient — Aseity—Acts 17:25 — “I see that word [Aseity], and I get chills up my spine because in that one little word is captured all of the glory of the perfection of God’s being. What makes God different from you, and different from me, and different from the stars, the earthquakes, and any creaturely thing is that God and God alone has aseity—God alone exists by His own power.” RC Sproul
- All-Knowing, Omniscient
- All-Powerful, Omnipotent
- All-Wise, Omnisapient
- Sovereign
- Love
- Holy
- Good
- Wrath
- Jealous
- Patient
- Perfect
- Infinite
- Immense
- Simple
- Just
- Merciful
- Gracious
- Faithful
- Truthful
- Righteous
- Emotional
- Dominion
- Savior
- Kinsman Redeemer
- Messiah/Christ
- Communicable Attributes of God
- Non-Communicable Attributes of God
- Impassibility
- Impeccability
- Incomprehensible
- Mysterious
- Spirit
Recommended Resources:
- The Attributes of God, Vol. 1 (by AW Tozer)
- The Attributes of God, Vol. 2 (by AW Tozer)
- None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God (by Matthew Barrett)
- The Existence and Attributes of God (by Stephen Charnock — Hardback—expensive)
- The Existence and Attributes of God (by Stephen Charnock — Kindle—cheap)
- The Attributes of God (by AW Pink)
- Knowing God (by JI Packer)
- The Pursuit of God (by AW Tozer)
- The Knowledge of the Holy (by AW Tozer)
What is the Omnipresence and Immensity of God?
The omnipresence and immensity of God are two linked but separate attributes that give tremendous comfort to Christians.
God is Incomprehensible
If God were small enough to be fully understood, He wouldn’t be big enough to be God. Discover the incomprehensible nature of God.
God is Eternal
They say," Nothing lasts forever." They are wrong. Three things last forever: God, His Word, and people. God is Eternal There's never been a time when God didn’t exist. He wasn’t born. He wasn’t created. He is. He has always been. And He will always continue...
God is the Three-in-One: Understanding the Trinity
God is the eternal Three-in-One: The Trinity. How are we to understand the Trinity? And how does it make a difference in our lives today?
Why is the Truth that God is Sovereign so Comforting?
God is sovereign, but what does that mean and why do we care? Understanding God’s sovereignty comforts us in the storms of life and every day.
God is Love
God is Love God is love, but that doesn’t mean it’s all rainbows, butterflies, and cotton candy all the time. Actually, now that I think about it, a rainbow comes after a rain, a butterfly is born out of a struggle, and cotton candy is sugar that’s been melted down...