When Pain Is Like a Flower, Truth Makes Hope Bloom

Ever met someone you’d like to have follow you around and talk for you? All you’d have to say was, “Yeah. What she said!” Blogger–and my new friend–Mekeisha has a way of explaining truth that leaves me staring at her dumbly. When...
What Would I Write To A Younger Me?

What Would I Write To A Younger Me?

Dear Younger Me, When you’re eight years old, you’re going to help be helping Dad clean out the old camper to sell it. He’s going to tell you to take out the wooden board stored in the upper cabinet. Don’t do it!  Don’t open the...

Surrender, Pray, Rest (While My Child is Away – Part 5)

Surrender, Pray, Rest Surrender, Pray, Rest is my motto for life and parenting. Surrender opens our ears to God. Prayer opens our communication with God. Rest opens God’s blessings on us through faith. When I asked Edie Melson, author of While My Child is Away:...