by Jean Wilund | Mar 11, 2020 | Blog, Popular Posts
This post originally appeared on Shakespeare once said: Some are born great women’s ministry leaders, some achieve greatness in leading a women’s ministry, and some have the position thrust upon them kicking and screaming. William Shakespeare...
by Jean Wilund | Feb 17, 2020 | Blog, Character Traits of God, Help! I Want to Study the Bible, Help! I Want to Teach the Bible
Have you ever heard the Trinity compared to an egg? Or water? Or in Dr. Seuss-ian terms? This is how I learned about the Trinity. One is right. Two are wrong. (And now I sound like Sesame Street.) One Teacher Taught Me the Trinity is Like an Egg An egg consists of a...
by Jean Wilund | Jan 9, 2020 | Blog, Help! I Want to Study the Bible, Help! I Want to Teach the Bible, Popular Posts
This post first appeared on Revive our Hearts, a ministry I highly recommend for their incredible resources and commitment to sound biblical teaching. If you missed Part 1 of this series, start here: Christianity Doesn’t Have to be Wearisome or Bible Study...
by Jean Wilund | Jan 6, 2020 | Blog
Stress! It’s relentless and comes at us in many forms. Not all stress is bad stuff. Some are highlights—a wedding, a new baby, that new job or career! But stress is stress. And it takes its toll. Even Jesus faced stress—lots of it. Consider Nancy...
by Jean Wilund | Jan 6, 2020 | Blog, Help! I Want to Study the Bible, Help! I Want to Teach the Bible, Popular Posts
This first appeared on Revive our Hearts, a ministry I highly recommend for their incredible resources and commitment to sound biblical teaching. Christianity is wearisome, and Bible study is boring. Yes, I said it. But never out loud. Only in my private prayers did I...