By the way, the video above and the post below are not the same. It’s not a transcript.
When Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsake Me?” did He not understand what God was doing?
“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
– Mark 15:34
Was Jesus suddenly confused in His anguish?
Absolutely not.
In all of Christ’s humanity, He never lost His deity.
When He humbled Himself and took on the physical form of man, He laid aside His rights, not His divinity. He submitted His rights even to death on a cross, but He never lost sight of His purpose or God’s plan.
Yes, He suffered terrible anguish in His body from the agony of the cross and the flogging He endured beforehand. He also suffered in His soul, as He carried the crushing weight of our despised sin. But Jesus wasn’t confused. He was quoting the first verse in Psalm 22.
Psalm 22
Psalm 22 is filled with prophecies about Him, the Messiah, the Promised Savior. Every Jewish leader listening to Him knew that psalm.
By quoting from Psalm 22, Jesus declared it pointed to Him.
Earlier in His ministry, Jesus had told the leaders that Moses wrote about Him (John 5:46). In His cry on the cross, He revealed King David spoke of Him as well.
What Do Jesus’ Words Speak to Us Today?
In His Words (and actions) on the cross, Christ settled forever the question, “Does God really love me?”
The answer is a resounding, “Yes.”
Which of us would hand over our own beloved son to be tortured and forsaken for our friends, much less our enemies?
Who among us would pour out their own fierce wrath upon their beloved only son for the sin of those who spit on him and mocked him?
God did. (Romans 5:10)
And which of us would be willing to endure such torment for those who don’t deserve it? (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Jesus was. (Hebrews 12:2)
Yes, God really loves you.
How do we respond to such love and compassion?
Fall before Jesus and worship Him. Surrender to Him. He is worthy, and He is our only hope of salvation.