Dear Subscribers,

Forgive me for interrupting your Fourth of July with another email.

I wanted to let you know that I’m having some challenges with my new email program, which seems to think it’s funny to take my posts and change them up, removing the videos and taking out all the paragraph breaks. 

I promise that I do not write my posts all in one long paragraph, nor do I invite you to watch invisible videos. 

If you’ll click on the title or the “Read More,” you’ll be taken to the actual post and you’ll get to see it all in organized and living color. 

I’m working with my wonderful website manager to solve this problem. I’m using a new email program that I clearly don’t fully understand yet. Thank you for being patient with me.

I hope you’ll visit my site and enjoy the videos!

Now, I send you back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Enjoy your 4th!! 


it's All About Him Transformational Bible Study Method by Jean Wilund

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