“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”
– Proverbs 27:17
Many men and women have blessed me with the work they’ve put into knowing and sharing the Truths of God’s Word. Now I’m blessing you with their wealth of knowledge and wisdom.
What is the State of Theology in 2020?
What is the state of theology in America today? This 2020 survey and its results help us understand America’s convictions today about God.
Discover What Revive Our Hearts Ministry Has For You
Discover the many resources of Revive Our Hearts Ministry with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ
Tim Challies—An Email You’ll Open Every Time
Meet Blogger, Author, and Book Reviewer Tim Challies. You’ll open his email every time for a wealth of biblical information, articles, and kindle deals.
Ask Ligonier and Get Smart for Free
Got a biblical or theological question? Ask Ligonier. Ligonier is a treasure chest of sound biblical teaching from the ministry of Dr. R. C. Sproul.
Simply Put Podcast—An Exciting Resource for Studying the Bible
The Simply Put Podcast puts theological truths into simple terms. Terms we can understand. And they do it in around six minutes per episode.
Memorizing Bible Verses Just Got Easier — The Best Free Bible Verse Memory Apps
Memorization works. Discover my top three Bible verse memory apps and my personal favorite.
My Top Five Favorite Bible Study Apps
Discover my five favorite Bible study apps. A library of biblical knowledge in the palm of your hands.