I set out to notice people and share God's love. It did NOT go as planned. Oops! Are you a terrible noticer, too? There's hope for us! by Jean Wilund

I Was Minding My Own Business

I was minding my own business when my sweet friend Jeannie Waters posted to her blog.

I set out to notice people and share God's love. It did NOT go as planned. Oops! Are you a terrible noticer, too? There's hope for us! by Jean Wilund

In her post, Jeannie encouraged her readers to change someone’s day by noticing.

I was particularly encouraged by the powerful testimony she shared about how being noticed changed her friend Angela’s day.

Angela, a tired young momma with three little kids, wrote:

To the mama in the Target parking lot that saw me struggling to unload three kids and yelled across the parking lot, “You’re doing great, Mama,” thank you for seeing me. To the mama in Chick-Fil-A who helped me lug my crew out to my van, thank you for seeing me. To the mama in Kroger who offered to give me a hand grocery shopping with my kiddos, thank you for seeing me. To each of these mamas, thank you for seeing me and for challenging me to take the time to see others struggling the same ways I do every day. I see you.


Jeannie’s post convicted and encouraged me.

It convicted me because I’d just returned from running errands where—I confess—I hadn’t noticed anyone.


But, it also encouraged me because . . .

There’s always tomorrow!


Tomorrow indeed came. And I was ready.

With Jeannie’s insights of three ways Jesus paid attention to the needs of others and demonstrated kindness, I set out for Lidl’s grocery store to buy a few items and notice lots of people.

To change someone’s day!

I meandered through the store on the lookout for avocados and young mommas or older shoppers who could use a hand or a smile.

I hunted down every aisle. But everyone seemed content, without need.

After picking up the last item on my list and some fresh bread I couldn’t resist, I walked to the cashier line to pay.

And I noticed someone.

That Moment

I noticed the gentleman standing in front of me.

He was hacking into his hand. A lot.

Over and over, he hacked into his hand. Not his elbow. His hand. The same hand he was using on the credit card machine I was going to use.

Then I noticed the line next to me was also open.

Before he could notice me notice him, I scooted over to the next line.

I’m not sure that’s the type of noticing Jeannie meant in her post. (You’ll have to read it for yourself and decide.)

Scooting and Praying

In an effort to redeem myself, I prayed.

I prayed for the man and his health. And I prayed for someone kinder than me to notice him and share the love of Christ with him.

It wasn’t one of my prouder moments. But, honestly, it’s not unlike me to notice and run. Not because I’m a germaphobe—I’m not—but because I’m a shy extrovert.

I’m energized by being around people, but I’m scared to meet them.

I hate it when I let my personality rule me rather than the love of Christ ruling me.

A Work in Progress

Since that dismal moment that I noticed I’m a terrible noticer, I’ve had other opportunities to succeed.

I’ve done a better job of noticing people in need and offering a helping hand and warm smile.

But, without question, I’ve noticed I’m still a work in progress.

And that’s okay.

It’s okay because I have a faithful Savior who’s done more than just notice me. He offered His life for me. For us. And until He returns or calls us home, He is refining us.

God has promised to work in us who belong to Him and to create out of us a shining reflection of His Son, the greatest Noticer of all—Jesus Christ.

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.

1 Thessalonians 5:24

What about you? Are you a terrible noticer? Or have you developed impeccable noticing skills? Share your tips. And, like Angela, share a shout out to someone who’s noticed you.

it's All About Him Transformational Bible Study Method by Jean Wilund

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