Enjoy the following excerpt of a post I wrote for www.InspireAFire.com. The link to the rest of the message is here and at the end of the post.
All That Glitters . . .
I saw the glittering rock in the water and knew my life was about to take a rich, golden turn.
Carrying my bright future home to Mom, she studied the rock and the gold that glimmered through it. “Oh, how wonderful,” she said. “You’ve found a beautiful piece of pyrite. You know, they call it ‘fool’s gold’ because people often mistake it for real gold.”
My pride and shining future crumbled under the pyrite’s worthlessness.
Sometimes I wonder if this is how Jesus’ disciple Simon felt.
When Jesus first called him to become a disciple, the apostle John tell us Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas” (which means Peter) (John 1:42, ESV).
Cephas means Peter, and Peter means rock.
Simon Peter vs Simon Pyrite
Simon often looked less like Simon Peter — he who would become a rock — and more like Simon Pyrite — he who glints of gold but is worthless. Keep reading . . .