While most know about Christmas, how many know the story according to kids?
The kids in this hilarious video set the story straight. And apparently, it involves a purple stuffed hippo.
I love this version of the Christmas story, but, it doesn’t exactly match what I read in the Bible.
I’m pretty sure the wise men didn’t bring Jesus gold, Frankenstein, and myrrh—definitely not a stuffed hippo.
And they didn’t come to the manger. They showed up when Jesus was 2 years old.
But they got one thing right. The new baby changed the world.
He changed me, too, and He’ll change you. For this, we can be eternally grateful.
Merry Christmas!
[bctt tweet=”Jesus is Born. Watch the so-called true story in this hilarious video #Christmas According to Kids. #thatsfunny” username=”jeanwilund”]
Adorable. What a happy way to celebrate Christmas!
So glad you enjoyed it. And I agree with you!