Have you ever been asked to deliver a Christian message?
Did you feel the fingers of fear creep up your spine when they asked?
For most, public speaking falls right below the fear of imminent death. Up there with public speaking is the agony of having to write anything more than, “I hate to write.”
Nevertheless, you’ve been asked to prepare a message—and you said, “Yes.”
Whether you get the call to write or present a message, let me relieve you of some of your fears with a simple three-step template that I prepared for Revive Our Hearts ministry.
Click on the links below to read the full articles on each of the three easy steps for creating a Christian message.
Step 1: Prep Your Work
My daughter urges me to take the time to prep the walls and windows before I paint. One day I may listen to her and save myself the vast headaches that come with scraping paint off every surface on which it doesn’t belong.
Similarly, I prefer to jump straight into the writing stage, but prep work pays off. Listen to my daughter if you won’t listen to me. The six simple prep steps make the writing phase easier.
Step Two: Work Your Prep
Now that you’ve prepped your work, it’s time to work your prep. Jump in and write your message following a simple formula: Hook, Look, Took, Hook.
Step Three: Phone a Friend
C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien critiqued each other’s work during their writing phase. If an extra pair of eyes helped them, imagine what it could do for us. Reach out to a writer friend (or a friend who loves to read) and ask them to read your message and give feedback.
Free Christian Message Template Download
The next time someone asks you to share a spoken or written Christian message, you now know what to do. Pull out your template (don’t forget to download it below) and feel the icy fingers of fear fall away—or at least lessen their grip—as you prep your work and work your prep. God will take care of the results.
Download your free template now. Then copy and paste it into a Word Document to start writing your message today straight into the template.