This post originally appeared on ReviveOurHearts.com
Shakespeare once said: Some are born great women’s ministry leaders, some achieve greatness in leading a women’s ministry, and some have the position thrust upon them kicking and screaming.
William Shakespeare never said this. Poor, old Wilhemina Shakespeare of the Christ Bible Church in Everytown, USA, said it after her pastor selected her to lead their women’s ministry.
Wilhemina has loved Jesus since Paul first saw the light, but she tried to bolt for the nearest door when her pastor chose her to lead, saying, “I’ve never led anything more than the ‘Happy Birthday’ song at our family birthday dinners!”
Fortunately for the women of her church, Wilhemina was too slow to run away. And she knew her Bible. Rather than be overcome by fear, she turned to God’s Word and remembered Jesus’ divine discourse in Matthew 5 on how His true disciples should live.
She saw in the Beatitudes a divine design, not only for godly living, but also for godly leadership. She chose to depend on God and embrace these ten traits of a godly leader.
10 Traits of Godly Leadership
1. She bows before God continually.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matt. 5:3)
The godly leader remembers the true success of a ministry depends on Jesus, not on her or anyone else. She is bankrupt without Him. Before she steps out in leadership, she bows to the Lord in full surrender and seeks His will and wisdom.
- She makes prayer a priority in women’s ministry, not an afterthought (1 Thess. 5:17).
- She walks in humble brokenness before God and man, welcoming direction and criticism without becoming offended or argumentative (Mic. 6:8).