Today's Bible Study Tip

Today’s Bible Study Tip — Creature Comforts

I wake every morning to the sound of harps.

It’s much better than the blaring horn my daughter uses to rouse herself from sleep.

I like better.

After confirming that the harps are coming from my iPhone, and that I have not just woken up in heaven, I stumble through the dark to the kitchen and grab two coffee mugs.

As I soak in the aroma of the fine dark roast, my morning instantly gets better.

I like coffee — No, I love coffee.

I pour my husband and myself a mug, place his on his bedside table, and carry mine into the den, where I settle into the corner of my down-stuffed sofa facing the window that’s perfect for watching the sun rise.

I love sunrises.

I don’t know what it is about Lexington, SC, but we have the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

We also have some of the most oppressive heat, but if the weather’s nice, I’ll tote my coffee out onto the screen porch and curl up on my mom’s old wicker sofa with the soft foam cushions. There I can hear the world waking up, enjoy the fragrance from my garden, and watch the sun rise over my garden.

I love my garden.

Now that I’m cozy, I pull out my Bible, my favorite pen and reading glasses, dream about getting Lasix surgery, and begin to dig into the Bible and pray. 

I love studying the Bible and praying with fresh coffee and a sunrise.

I’m now awake and eager to see what God has waiting for me in His Word, just like almost every morning of my life in Lexington. 

This leads to . . .

Today’s Bible Study Tip:

Surround yourself with enticing creature comforts,
perfect for your taste,
that make you eager to get up.

If I’m going to get out of bed before I’d normally consider sane, I’m going to have creature comforts awaiting me in order to combat the argument going on between my sleeping self and my alarm clock. 

I actually enjoy spending time with God at 0’Dark:30, but I don’t like the waking up and getting out of bed part. My creature comforts make it better — much better — and as I’ve already established, I like better.

I’m too likely to beat my alarm clock into submission and drift back off to sleep if I had to rise to a straight-backed seat at a hard desk with a cup of water next to my Bible. Maybe I’d study more effectively at a desk with my Bible and other study tools spread out before me, but I loves me a down-stuffed sofa and the scent of gardenias wafting through the air while I sip on the perfect morning blend.

If you create a space and experience in which to study the Bible that is at least as inviting, if not more inviting, than what you were just doing, you’ll be more eager to keep your daily appointment with the Lord.

If you’re like me, you want to spend time with God in His Word. That’s not the problem. It’s getting yourself to stop what you’re already doing in order to spend that time that is.

What about you? What are your creature comforts? What would entice you to stop what you’re doing in order to spend time with the Lord and study the Bible? 

Share your favorite creature comforts in the comment section below, and if you enjoyed the post, share the love and share the post.


Today's Bible Study Tip -- Creature Comforts

This view got me up every morning in Kiental, Switzerland at my favorite Swiss B&B, Haus Schonegg

(By the way, I  don’t actually believe in angels sitting on clouds playing harps as an accurate picture of heaven. Maybe an entire band, but just a harp? That would be silly.)

Here’s a great way to get yourself up out of bed to study the Bible. (Click to Tweet)