Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

– Mark 12:29-31


Genesis 3:14-19 The Gospel Promise

Genesis 3:14-19 The Gospel Promise

In Genesis 3:15, God gave the Gospel Promise for the firt time. You might be surprised to see who received it first and what it means for us.

Genesis 3—The Fall of Man

Genesis 3—The Fall of Man

Genesis 3 reveals the Fall of man into sin. This video discusses how sin entered the world and the Truths God reveals through this horrific event.

Genesis 1: Transforming Truths of God

Genesis 1: Transforming Truths of God

In Genesis 1, God reveals transformational Truths about Himself that Israel (and we) need to know as He laid the foundations of the earth in Creation.

What is the Truth?

What is the Truth?

Since most people value truth, why don’t we always believe it when we see it? I discuss two main reasons and other vital truths in this video on What is the Truth?

Finished—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 6)

Finished—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 6)

On the cross, Jesus cried out, “It is Finished.” But why? What did He finish? In Part 6 of my 7-part video series, “Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross” we’ll look at one of my favorite verses and what exactly Jesus finished and why it matters to us.

Anguish—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 4)

Anguish—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 4)

Does Jesus’ cry on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” break your heart? Or confuse you? Did Jesus really not know why God had forsaken Him? In Part 4 of my 7-part video series, “Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross” we’ll look at why Jesus cried out these words of anguish.

Compassion—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 3)

Compassion—Jesus’ Last 7 Words on the Cross (Part 3)

What was on Jesus’ mind as He endured the worst agony anyone has ever endured? It may surprise you. It’s far different than what we would most likely have on our minds. In Part 3 of my 7-part video series, “Jesus’ Last 7 Words As He Hung on the Cross,” we’ll take a look. Join me for the rest of the series leading up to Resurrection Day on Easter Morning.

Easter Saturday: Jesus Gone. Veil Torn. What Does is it Mean?

Easter Saturday: Jesus Gone. Veil Torn. What Does is it Mean? Today is Easter Saturday -- the day between when Christ died on the cross and He rose again. In our video today, though, I start back on Good Friday and pick up where we left off -- at the moment right after Jesus cried out, "It is...

Easter Friday: It’s Good Friday, and It is Finished!

Easter Friday: It’s Good Friday, and It is Finished!

Today is Good Friday! It's the most important day in history because, without it, we’d still be lost in our sin -- stuck in the guilt of our sin without hope of salvation. Good Friday fulfilled the first part of our freedom from sin. Jesus' resurrection confirmed what...

Easter Thursday: Truth Stands Strong While Lies Crumple and Destroy

Easter Thursday: Truth Stands Strong While Lies Crumple and Destroy

Truth stands strong while lies crumple and destroy. Standing on the truth doesn't mean we'll be spared pain or trouble. Sometimes standing on the truth invites trouble. Jesus invited trouble from His enemies by not only standing on truth but for being the Truth. The...

Easter Wednesday: God is in Control. Always.

Easter Wednesday: God is in Control. Always.

God is in control. Always. If we'll believe and remember this, it will transform the way we respond to everything that touches our lives. Today we picked up where we left off yesterday in Matthew 26. Starting in verse 36, we see Jesus and the disciples enter the...

Easter Tuesday ~ Last Supper Warnings: Believe and Remember

Easter Tuesday ~ Last Supper Warnings: Believe and Remember

Believe and remember what Jesus has said. This encouragement rings out in today's reading in Matthew 26:17-35. And in John 14:1. Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me.~ John 14:1. As we read today's passages in Matthew, we see clearly that...

Palm Sunday: Jesus, Our Passover Lamb, & His Triumphal Entry

Palm Sunday: Jesus, Our Passover Lamb, & His Triumphal Entry

Happy Palm Sunday! Join me here every day this wonderful Easter week as we follow the footsteps of Jesus to the cross and to His resurrection. Today I read from Matthew 21:1-11 about Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem for the Passover. Check out Exodus 11-12 to...